Besides slow dancing and cuddling, I would like to see:
A bear skin rug type of romantic actions, toasting, making out, woohoo, embracing each other, even romantic talk while on the rug
A picnic basket and a blanket for two, to have a romantic outing. They should be able to take it with them to place it on a beach, or by a pond, in the forest, etc. I would also like to see the blanket and picnic basket be able to be used for a family outing too, so the family could sit on the ground and eat. Maybe two different types of blankets and baskets one for romance, one for family actions/talk.
I want to see footsies, toasting, and new romantic actions while eating at a restaurant.
I want to see spooning in bed and being able to lay and talk, flirt etc. in bed.
Someone else mentioned holding hands while walking, skating, etc. I would like to see that too.
I would like to see chemistry and attraction too. But I would like to be able to choose who my sim has chemistry and attraction to ( without cheats ). I would love NPC’s to have theirs hidden unless you decide to play them, then you should be able to change it if you want to. I don’t like having to fool around with going into a cheat to change things. It’s normal for people to change as things happen in their life.
This is out of the romance field, but I think we should be able to change traits too without cheats if we want to. I also think we should be able to read books to add extra traits, and it would be neat if our sims could read a magazine to have temporary changes, such as romantic, adventurous, sad, sentimental, etc for several hours at a time.
I would also like to see CAS changed to be able to start people off as boyfriend/girlfriend, engaged, and well as adding in-laws, and adopted children in CAS.
I would like to see a wedding outfit category so we can choose outfits to be married in. ( a costume category as well for costume parties etc ).
Also, I’d loved to see bridal showers, bachelor/bachelorette parties, and baby showers as well.
We should be able to plan a honeymoon as well. And please give us a hotel type lot.
New wedding dresses, tuxes, wedding bouquets, veils, tiara’s etc. would be a nice edition.
Someone else mentioned being able to buy wedding bands, engagement rings, etc. I think we should be able to make jewelry stores too, as well as a candy shop, with a romantic heart box of chocolates as well as other types of candy.