Forum Discussion

logionX's avatar
Seasoned Hotshot
6 years ago

What online features would you like for the sims?

We pretty much know from mobile games what features we don't want, like microtransactions and grindy events which causes you to grind for hours but what online features would be fun to have in the sims 4 or any future sims game?

Here are some of my ideas, which are pretty much online events that you can do if you want, or completely ignore. Feel free to add your own ideas.

Online challenges, Challenges gets posted on the game with information on how to play it, like the 100 baby challenge. They are added to the game like achievements so the game tracks how many babies you have, like the game tracks other achievements.

Online contests, These contests could be held by Maxis where simmers could upload builds or sims with hashtags, the winners could get prices like satisfaction points or just the honor of being featured on the gallery.

Online events, Maxis posts themed challenges where you could win a lot of satisfaction points, kind of like they do the challenges now but these challenges would be much larger where you would have to create a lot of sims to fulfill the goals, like a goal that requires multiple job roles. The challenges could be things like create a band with multiple sims and have them perform at bars, nightclubs etc. The game tracks if you have completed the event like achievements.

Do you have any ideas of your own or do you think that we should not have more online features for the sims?