A overhaul on emotions. Wants and fears, Turn ons and turn offs, memories and family albums /bios. (Like in sims 2)Genrations Ep , Hotels /Resorts, Horses. Would love more crops like corn and wheat crops. More aspirations and traits new ones and the best ones from the Sims 3.
More likes and dislikes for food , traits,hobbies that were left out and clothing styles.
More water sport vehicles that 2 or more sims can interact with at once.
Cars, carpools ,school bus and npc vehicles.
A school game pack with homework that actually adds skills to your teen and child sims.private, miltary and boarding school.
Bring back the headmaster challenge (sims2).
More after school activities for teens and children sims like: Band, cheer, science club, chess club ,sports club ,dance and so on.
Prom, school dance, father daughter dance, school play event to go with drama club, graduation events for teens and children.
Events that are unlocked when your teen/ children sims sign up for them like prom, spelling bee and the science fair.
Prompt to enter a talent show, spelling bee,science fair, become friends with a sim from school and do activities for extra credit.
Things child sims can do to make pocket money like. Chores, pet sitting, dog walking ,watering plants and selling lemonade.
Rewards for doing well in school, trophies, riddons, certificates.
Pottery table , ice craving ,surfing ,glass blowing and jewelry making.
Sims 2 playful interactions.
Tag, pillow fight ,red hands and punch you punch me.
Patty cake and rock paper scissors.
For children
Easy bake oven,hopscotch that you can draw on with sidewalk chalk, lemonade stand, kites that your sims can make and fly, toy sail boats, toy trains and cars.
For Teens
Skateboarding and drawing.
For couples
Slow dancing, couple bikes, couple ice skating , picnic basket, more romantic interactions .
Better family relationships, great great grandmother, cousin, nephew and godparents.