Forum Discussion

wildirishbanshee's avatar
Rising Novice
6 years ago

WildIrishBanshee's Update Thread

Just wanted a place to update on my sims, in one place, so that I can keep track of what all is going on in each family. I have 4 main saves, and things can get hard to keep track of - like earlier this evening I thought that I had lost progress on my Swift family because I was confusing what they had done and what my Craven family had done! No more of that nonsense! I'll still be updating on my usual threads as well, cause I'd miss you guys!

Feel free to comment, ask questions, whatever. Not trying to live in a vacuum here!
  • Annnd computers hate me sometimes. Had to do a hard drive reset - and lost everything. I thought I had backed up my saves, but apparently, it didn't take - and none of my sims are on the gallery, though I know I uploaded them - some more than once! So, they're all gone, again. I have started a new family - and now that I know infants won't be until March I can let them have their baby, the first gen will just have to skip that lifestage and be ready to have the second in March.
  • Just recently restarted with Growing Together and infants - and just had my first born in game sims - twins. Was really hoping for just one, but I'll deal, I hope. The parents got the cutest sentiment towards the new babies when they were born - Whole Heart! So far, only Adam has self-discovered a trait, he added the Adventurous trait from being outside...he's done a lot of collecting in the neighborhood for the past few days.

    Can't wait to see what shenanigans the infants are going to cause lmao.
  • So, after buying a couple of rooms, one for nectar, and one for a butler (soon) she ended up with only about 21k simoleans. She gets royalties every day from the video station, so no big deal - not trying to speed this scenario along. She has some scholarships for university, and is waiting to hear what degrees she can get. She wanted to do an odd job, so she took a photography one. She had to take pictures of Mua Pel'am, so she got it done and got a 6 simolean tip. She kept one of each photo, and either sold the rest to publication or put them on Plopsy. She then uploaded a couple of videos and settled in to finish the children's book she started. When it was finished, she sent it to the publisher. Then headed to bed.

    When she woke up, she took care of her needs, then did some gardening. After a brief chat with Morgan Fryes, she started in on another book, since she had the want. She got invited to the circus by Wolfgang Munch, and headed out - and I noticed Wolfgang's brother Gunther in the house, yet she hasn't met them yet. Weird. She came home, checked the mail and was invited to Moira's charity event. Then it was home to bed.

    She's been on vacation all week due to Egg Day - wish I could select work/school separately...apparently Simfluencer won't even let me send her to work or anything. Oh well. When she woke up, she started the day by taking care of her needs, then working in the garden. Soon after, it was go time, so off to the hospital she went, dragging Aurelio with her. A girl, Pauletta came into the world, delivered by Pascal Curious. This may be their only child, we'll have to see. After coming home, Kendall checked the mail and found her university acceptance letter. It was time to enroll! She went with Foxbury for their Distinguished Computer Science major and took 4 classes - 3 regular and one elective, Research, Debate, Critical Thinking. Pauletta needed tending at this point, so Kendall took care of her. I normally only do 3 classes, so this should prove an interesting experiment. Debating moving Aurelio in as well, so he can get started in university, but he may actually have to finish high school first. He could also help look after his kid. After some food, it was time to knock out her homework. She then got started on her presentation board before heading to bed. She woke up bright and early to tend to Pauletta before work.
  • After work, Kendall invited Aurelio over. She showed off Pauletta and I decided to move Aurelio in. There was no option to ask to move in that I could find, so I used Add To Family instead. He's a B student, so it shouldn't take long to get him to an A. His character values stink, so that's gonna take some work. He ages up in 22 days while Kendall only has 19 - close at least. Aurelio got started on his homework. Kendall ate, hired a butler (no more daycare lol) and took care of Paulette. Kendall needed a review for work, so she wrote one up on the media table. Aurelio got a job as a Manual Laborer, because it paid the most of the teen jobs. Then he went to practice piano for his aspiration. Kendall recorded a video, edited it, and uploaded it. Then she went and worked on the nonfiction book she had started writing. She finished it and published it. Aurelio took care of Paulette while Kendall napped.

    Various chores were done and Kendall played violin while Aurelio dumpster dove to clear it out. We sell anything we find, other than collectibles, dye and upgrade parts. Kendall had to tend to Pauletta, then she headed to bed while Aurelio played more piano. After gaining a skill point, Aurelio joined Kendall in bed. Kendall had to get up to tend to Pauletta, and for some reason she couldn't - there was nothing in the way, the butler and Aurelio were sleeping but she kept waving. So I moved the bassinet in buy mode and voila, it worked. Kendall took care of her needs, chatted with Aurelio before he headed off to work and made a video. Kendall ran upstairs to tend to Paulette, and age her up since I got the birthday notification.
  • Kendall worked on her class presentation, and when Aurelio came home from work he sat back down at the piano. Kendall moved onto her term papers and Aurelio started his first video. After he uploaded it, it was time for the pair to head off to the Starlight Accolades. Kendall won for Best Video. When the show ended, it was time to go home, where Kendall went to bed and Aurelio listened to Latin music. After doing a few chores, Aurelio headed to bed to get a few hours sleep before school. Kendall headed off to work in the morning.