Forum Discussion

AmaraRena's avatar
12 years ago

Witches in Sims 4

Apologies to those who really don't care about the supernatural lifestates in The Sims. This thread is for those of us who just don't want to play without them!

So... Witches in Sims 4... what are your hopes? How would you like their magic to work? What did you like and/or dislike about the Witches in Sims 3? What do you hope they will keep and what do you hope they will change?

My own #1 wish for Witches is the ability to "form coven." However, instead of it being like the temporary werewolf packs in Sims 3 (LAME EA! lol) it would be permanent and set up rather like the bands are formed and maintained in Late Night. So your Witch would actually have to ask other witches to join their coven. Once a coven is established (dare I hope for 13? I'll settle for 5 I suppose)they could then gather together to perform/unlock magics that are unavailable to witches acting alone. I'm open on the kind of spells they could cast, please feel free to make suggestions!

Anyway, please share your hopes and ideas for Witches in Sims 4! :mrgreen: