I feel like if we ever get a World Adventures type of EP, the worlds will be tiny with 5 lots each. For this reason I would rather prefer they made them into several packs. The tombs eventually all start to feel the same, but the worlds and their features I would probably want to play for longer and it would be sad to have Egypt or Paris restricted to tiny worlds with one or two playable lots. If we get Egypt and pyramids again, I am sure there will be tombs exploration included. For Paris I would love a city world not the countryside like in TS3. I would love if they made museums into an ownable business and added ticket booths so we could charge entrance fees for museums so it would be easier for our sims to earn the funds necessary for explorations and maybe purchase of valuable artifacts from the black market. For dinosaur bones, I think they could add them to basegame in Oasis Springs. Would love a skeleton version of the dino we can see in the neighbourhood decor.