9 years ago
Zodiac Signs
Would you like to see this feature make a return? I definitely would. I think it add a lot more depth to our sims. Also, personality points would be cool too :)
"Sigzy05;15143642" wrote:"lukas11xxf;15143635" wrote:"Katiardguez;15143064" wrote:
I would like to see the Zodiac Signs, Wants & Fears, Turn Ons & Turn Off make a come back to the game because it will add more personality to the sims.
Wants already exist, and they're called "whimps".
It's whims XD But they aren't as good as wants etc, they are pretty random because of the way they were made in TS4 one whim for emotions, one whim for traits and one whim for aspiration, which works terribly.