Forum Discussion

Ethromel's avatar
Rising Novice
2 months ago


In this pack there would be a few new career choices.
1. Mad Scientist (for the criminal path)- A mad scientist can do very dangerous things like make more powerful fires that become ALIVE.  They can make traps that are more lethal versions of pranks.  They can give mastermind speeches that convince others to be mean and do bad things.  They can create mutated lifeforms that interrupt the eco system.  They can make it rain green snow that is mold infested.  Or cause a virus that makes everyone slow and tired unless someone stops them.  You will get an NPC Phenomenon that is efficient at getting in the way of your plans and schemes. 

The Grim Reaper will give you access to other worldly items that will make you more formidable if you're really good at helping him keep his quota.  Your job is to create scenarios that cause the lives of multiple sims at once.  A true villain.

The other Branch

2.  The Inventor- We can combine various chairs with wheels to make a turbo wheel chair.  An orb of light that floats and follows us.  A fire retardant jacket that also steam cleans us when hygiene gets low, then eventually the jacket has to be cleaned itself.  A helmet that temporarily clones a sim so that the real sim can get some sleep while the clone for the next five hours does the things that need to get done.  The clone has the ability to go bad and try and take over your life or harm others by making bad food, or making a shower too hot or cold.  A stasis ray that can temporarily stop a phenomenon or supernatural from teleporting, etc. 
3. Phenomenon Career (secret career path).  This career would become unlocked when your sim becomes AWARE of YOU.  They will be looking through the telescope, and if YOU position your camera in a position that is in front of their view, your sim notices you.  Then depending on their personality they can either panic, get excited calling for other sims, remain calm and wave at YOU.  As an interaction we will get the choice to take the sim up to the sky like their "floating"' in front of us.  We can tell them things like their our favorite sim, they need to help others more, we're watching them, be nicer to another sim, they don't have to worry so much we'll protect them.  We'll never let them die, which might make them more reckless in behavior.  Or we can say we will destroy them if they do something again making them paranoid. The list goes on.  This is when YOU can choose to give your sim abilities like their the chosen one, and they will know it with moodlets like "There IS a higher sim", "The Creator likes me/knows me".  

This sim that has seen pass the 4th wall and gained the "ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE PERK" will now have the potential to become a phenomenon through various catalyst and discovery or experiments.  This skill tree will be different consisting of all question marks to be filled out through discovery.  Only hints about how to acquire the power will be given.  By pushing the limits on a treadmill they can run faster from boosted 1 up to a 10 increase in movement speed AND ACTIONS that WON'T require being a vampire or pressing the fast-forward button.  The ability to walk through walls because they had a ghost pass through them and they understand how it's done.  Or BLUE BEAMS OF WATER (Eye-dration) from their eyes are earned because they were standing by the refrigerator and has a drink thrown in their face, and soon after got electrocuted, or hand buzzed.  Now they can drown anything with their eyes.  A sim, a fire, fill a pool, water plants, make the floor slippery, short circuit electronics, or drench another sim's bed, etc.  

A force for good joins their sim on the job to save lives.  Put out fires at increased speed, save a sim from dying by cooling them down from overheating, giving medical care if they studied the doctor field, shovel snow to unbury a sim that was avalanched, save a sim from falling off a rock climb before the Reaper arrives.  The Reaper will start to get angry with you because you're making his quota go down, and may doom you as a hero to die.  You'll start to get scenarios that seem impossible without abilities, and sometimes things will hinder your powers.  You have to protect your identity otherwise your performance takes a hit and your relationships become more demanding because everyone will want your help.  True life of a Phenomenon.

4. Cosmologists- This sim is starting to understand the universe, and communicates with YOU often.  Through their studies than can manipulate the physical world around them.  They can eventually walk on water.  They can get a drink of water and turn it into something else they want.  Almost like being a magician.  However, they have to maintain their BELIEF BAR.  They can evolve plants without material.  They can be needy though.  When they look to you for a sign and you don't respond they start to lose belief, and doubt starts to creep in.  They need to do things like look to the sky through the telescope for another opportunity to communicate with you.  You can also give them visions in their sleep that influence them based on their interpretation.  They can have a following of other sims leading to fame, and profit with some believing they're a fraud.  The doubt meter is always slowly creeping up, and so things to keep the belief meter higher will be required like meditation, an act of awareness on the sim's part.  However, be careful!  The higher the belief the more confident and reckless a believing sim becomes.  They will commit acts the put their lives in danger in an attempt to prove they have your protection.  They may also prefer you to protect another of their loved ones or lose belief if you let a friend of theirs die. 

So that's my suggestion.  What do you think?  There's more, but this is just a summary.  Don't want to make it too long.