Forum Discussion

HelloMiakoda's avatar
6 hours ago


I'm glad you added the pronouns and stuff... and I see you can have your sim wesr hearing aids. about other conditions.

I'm autistic. I'd like my sim to be autistic. Stimming animations. Negative effect when rooms are too bright, too loud, or have too many people. Positive effects from being in sensory friendlier places. Higher benefits from socializing with other autistic sims, but drained by allistic sims.

Disabilities need representation. What about sims who need a wheelchair, are missing a limb, suffer inckntinence, have tourrettes...

If you're going to have The Sims 4 just be added on indefinitrly instead of a Sims 5, like I've heard, then surely you can really put everyone in this game!

  • While I understand where you're coming from I think it would be really difficult to truly give Sims the full spectrum of autism. And what about other mental challenges like MPD or BPD? Depression? Sociopathy? And while I wouldn't mind seeing Sims in wheelchairs the last thing I want to see is an incontinent Sim. The Sims, while a "slice of life" game, isn't meant to cover everything in real life. It's a charming and whimsical (and rather whacky) escape from real life and its struggles. I think the things you ask for are better addressed by mods and should not be imposed by default on everyone's game.