I want a heist/robbery GP so much! It could come with buildmode objects that sims can place in their homes (or the player on venues), things like laser barriers and riddle locks similarly to jungle adventures. Likewise the played burglar could gain new gadgets from their career levels - active careers are always a good idea.
As for robbers coming into my played sims' homes, I'm a bit more reluctant. The game needs to make sure that they absolutely must not steal unique items (photographs, custom paintings, very difficult to obtain collectables - common seashells and frogs are okay to take). They also need to tune their filters properly, so that not every sim can get drafted for the burglar role, like unfortunately is the issue with many npc roles. But if burglary is tied to a career, then putting that career only as allowed should solve the issue.
I'm also a big friend of toggles. Not all players want to deal with burglaries and I probably don't want the feature in every save. (I purchased Vampires, but they don't fit into every save I play. Some are too realistic or more on the SF side.)