I, too, began my Simming Odyssey with Sims2, way back in the summer of 2005. I really didn't game before that. I love it, and my addiction was both swift and surprising. I wasn't too fond of Sims3. Mostly because the Sims, themselves, lost most if not all of the charm they had in Sims2. I didn't even give Sims4 a look, until it was pulled back from the idea of being a multiplayer game. Then I looked into it, more. I liked what I saw and decided to pre-order it, with the caveat, of the Sims didn't charm my socks off, I wouldn't go any further with this iteration of the game.
I have to say, I'm very happy with most of the additions to Sims 4. Some things I can clearly live without, and mods do help me truly enjoy the game. Certainly, waiting for the devs to finish the Toddlers, was well worth the wait. I had no idea we were getting infants, too. I'm over the moon. I would be very open to see what they will add in the future. I somehow missed the notification that Sims 5 had been tabled. I'm totally cool with that. Hubby is facing retirement in a couple of years. (Don't ask me when, exactly, he keeps changing the goal posts on me. It's been 2-3 years for about as long as that.) At any rate, I won't be starting over, either. I just pray EA doesn't leave bugs in the game when they stop supporting it, as they did with Sims2, after the Mansions and Gardens pack.