More frequent bug fixes
Is it possible for there to be more frequent bug fixes? Some games and apps get daily fixes and tweaks why can’t The Sims 4 get the same treatment? The game is too broken as it is to enjoy. It seems every pack has something wrong with it. I really wish bug fixes were top priority. I would rather have daily bug fixes and reserve patch day updates for other game changes. I get that this would probably annoy the modding community but I feel it’s better to have a working foundation to enjoy mods in the first place. Theoretically I feel like it shouldn’t really affect modders because if the mod was written according to how the game SHOULD be functioning then things should operate smoothly. If we could get daily bug fixes I feel like we’d speed up the process of figuring out whether these “fixes” actually work or not. Some patch updates state the address certain bugs and the bugs still persist.7Views2likes0CommentsMid-West themed pack and a shopping mall update
Idk if the sims team actually reads these but as a midwesterner (from the Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas area), theres no world that represents that park of the states and I feel like its a little bit of a left out feeling. I think there could easily be a midwestern gothic pack of sorts that comes with a world with more open, grassy fields and more of an expansion on actual trailer homes and rv's. OR! BETTER YET! A cryptid pack of sorts? I feel like it would be really easy to keep with the mid western gothic style while also incorporating cryptid hunts (think of Mothman and Bigfoot). Thatd be so cooooolll. It also being us midwesterners a platform that feels yk... bit more included? We dont got much but cmon maaann. the malls are a bit self explanatory except that should be an overall addon to gtw and the new business pack coming out. I think it'd be pretty similar and honestly kind of easy to implement as a free update since the Sims team has the mechanics for it. or! At the very least some sort of arcade pack?? anyone else agree with these?89Views2likes12Commentscan we have a world based on South Africa?
it's either a game pack or expansion pack but i want an South Africa culture, activities and traditions unique architect too, maybe we can have a new greeting option i don't know a single thing about that country so i'll share the screencaps instead a beach with a hammock and maybe even new collections walking near a waterfall but even by doing so walking near wild animals, maybe even a new death type kayaking among whales as a new outdoor activity hiking through the mountains or hills i think based on dangerous sports (which i don't think they can create this trait because based on what i found on South Africa i don't think each dangerous sports are possible because as far as i know it they're all water activities but a few activities are maybe possible to create) they should add this personality trait because i'm sure a few wild activities are possible to make so i've thought of excitable as a personality trait, and an another one which i don't know the name of it but you want to throw things away that are broken, useless or damaged an another personality trait that might match with the pack is this one if they ever decide to make a pack based on something wild in Africa (Dopamine Addict) diverse landscapes rabbit-holes this time around but i want a safari with maybe questions popping up you have to answer, i've thought about a safari first but i'm afraid it will be too wild to be shown, it will be just like Tomarang as for aspirations i can't think of any and same with clothes and hairstyles i've thought about a few things but i'm afraid not each can be implemented such as abseiling, rafting to name these things for examble, we might can create rivers but it will be more like Tartosa for the view only but we definitely need a new beach world for sure since by so far we only have 3 of them at this moment (Sulani, Tartosa and Tomarang) this is actually the first time about creating an africa world because mine is all either Europe or America and only Asia continent once or twice but maybe it's because i'm an european myself it's only according to google i found things based on South Africa of course so maybe you have better ideas than i do at this moment so other ideas are welcome58Views3likes2Commentscan we have more eye colours options?
one of them came from The Sims 2 and i used to download these eye colours so i had more options with it don't get me wrong, we do have more options in The Sims 4 compared to The Sims 2 but it's so little i want more of these options, especially the unnatural one and the only complete one is the brown one in my opinion, maybe add sliders to make it lighter or darker too? besides they added lots of skintones with sliders eventually, they added sliders for make-up too but more eye colour options are still missing, i especially want unnatural eye colours we can maybe make a category for realistic eye colours and a fantasy eye colours for those who isn't into fantasy eye colours so it could be a win-win for us all so non-fantasy players won't have to deal with the fantasy category this way and same for the fantasy players who isn't into realistic gameplay (kinda like what they did with skintones, fantasy skintones, warm skintones, neutral skintones and cold skintones categories) i hope we can convince them to add more eye colours and the 2 pictures are just examples but i want more eye colours options for sure18Views2likes0Commentscan we have a fairy pack in the sims 4?
the tittle explains itself already,we have aliens, vampires, spellcasters, mermaids and werewolves packs since recently so i want to have fairies in the game so i can play with them with their own powers and 2 worlds (a normal world and a secret world for fairies only) and i have tons of ideas (i made a YouTube video about it last month with my suggestions) 1: Fairies with wings (big and small obviously) 2: Secret world for fairies only (abandoned world or not) 3: Unique clothes (with each colours) 4: Transform themselves in a normal world (just like mermaids and werewolves can) 5: All kind of fairies (i meant like in each forms...thick and thin) 6: Unique wants (flying wants for examble, just to name something) 7: All kind of talents 8: Seeing both good and bad sides from fairies (kinda like vampires and werewolves have) 9: Things that are dangerous and deadly for fairies 10: Unique eye colours and forms for fairies only (just like most occults have) 11: All kind of wing colours (coming from the sims 3 videos) 12: All kind of pranks for fairies only (also coming from the sims 3 videos) 13: Doing tricks with some of the spellcaster can do but also their own tricks 14: Level things up when doing some skills/abilities just like vampires, werewolves and spellcasters too 15: Fairies that can run all auras to benefit themselves and the others nearby (from the sims 3) 16: having a fairy house for fairies only and do a couple of things normal sims can't do 17: Fairies that can use fairy dust for a cure and bringing death plants alive) 18: Fairies that can use fairy dust to normal sims so normal sims can fly (for how long?) 19: Fairies that can talk to other fairies about flight experiences 20: Fairies that can change other fairies wing colours (coming from the sims 3 videos) i also have ideas in general based on the fairies back for both none and fairy occults 1: More building options (whatever you can think of with both none fairies and fairies) 2: More floors and walls and colours options (both normal sims and fairies) 3: More Aspirations/Goals (including Fairies aspirations/goals) 4: More Unnatural skintone options (and eventually doing a free updates for the base game) 5: More personality AND house traits options (you can descripe it for yourself) 6: A new world (we just need to think up a name and a unique climate) 7: More lots and public places (for both normal sims and fairies) 8: More furniture with both fairies and none-fairies 9: More Challenges and adventures 10: More interactions in general everything else is explained in my video (i don't know if giving the links to the videos are allowed though) i hope EA consider it atleast if they sees this and makes it either a game or an expansion pack (i'm not the only one asking for a fairy pack, the others asked for that pack too)Solved14KViews29likes74CommentsOperation Eternal Flame expansion pack
a world with 3 neighborhoods 1 vampire themed 1 spellcaster themed 1 werewolf themed new occult Zombie Zombie perks tree have 3 branches vampire themed branch spellcaster themed branch werewolf themed branch that supports the 3 game packs if you have them in the vampire branch you can now have a vampire sim with all perks with no weaknesses from 5 to 0 with out cheating if you put in the effect new Reward traits Hardly thirsty and Forever not thirsty works on vampires and zombie new death type death by thirst for zombie instead of hunger and mixology skill drink in bar a good looking vampire death the ability call the grim reaper to revive sims for money or turn them in to a zombie and summon him6Views1like0CommentsSims 4 Gallery Improvements
So I've amassed over 1,000 hours on the Sims 4 and there's a few things I'd like to bring up a few things I don't see a lot of people talking about - but feel like they should. I love building in the Sims 4, unfortunately I don't have the same relationship with the gallery and I've come up with a list of features or changes that in my opinion would make it a lot better. Hashtags - personally I like the hashtag system and love the recent change to be able to filter by them. Unfortunately I don't like that I have to think about adding them to the description of everything I upload to the gallery. Hashtags should be their own field in order to leave room for the description. Updating Gallery Items - Unfortunately, there's no easy way to update your existing gallery uploads without removing them and re-uploading them with your desired changes. I personally would love the option to overwrite existing items without needing to re-write its name and description. Instead, the "View Venue Type" button should be replaced with "View Lot on Gallery" if its already been published. If the lot is placed down and the lot type isn't changed, the "Share Lot to Gallery" button should be replaced with an "Update Gallery Item" that automatically submits changes to the existing uploaded version without having to re-upload it entirely. Published Items - Once you have uploaded an item to the gallery, there's no way to easily edit or change the description or title without having to re-upload it. This shouldn't require you to place down the lot, as long as you're the author - you should be able to edit these any time you want without needing to go into build mode. Just these these 3 changes would drastically improve the gallery.31Views1like1CommentUpdated Neighborhood Stories
I would like to suggest an expansion to the Neighborhood Stories feature in The Sims 4 to allow for more dynamic family interactions and lifecycles. Currently, while Neighborhood Stories allows for some changes like having babies, adopting, retiring, and moving in or out, there are a few important features missing that would help families grow and evolve naturally. Here are some specific features I would love to see added: Marriage: Sims should be able to marry autonomously, even if the player is not controlling their household. This would allow families to continue expanding without the player’s direct involvement. Divorce: Sims should be able to autonomously divorce if their relationship status changes. This would allow for more realistic family dynamics, especially when long-term relationships don’t last. Moving Out & Creating New Households: Teens and young adults should have the option to leave their households and create their own households, even without player intervention. This would allow Sims to continue to live their own lives, meet new Sims, and start their own families. Joining Another Household: Sims should be able to join other households, either through marriage or through other life changes. This could give rise to new family combinations and interactions. These additions would help make Neighborhood Stories more dynamic and allow Sims to live fuller lives without the player constantly managing every household. Sims could form relationships, start families, and grow old without needing direct control, allowing for organic development of family trees and more immersive storytelling. By adding these options like “Get Married,” “Divorce,” “Move Out,” “Join Another Household,” and “Create Another Household,” The Sims 4 could bring a more realistic experience of life for all Sims, even those who are not being directly played.36Views6likes2CommentsFree Kits for Culture/Diversity
I’d like to suggest the idea of offering free cultural kits to bring more diversity and representation into The Sims 4. These kits would be free for players to download and could feature a variety of items from different cultures. Here are some ideas: 1-Turkish Kit Recipes like Lahmacun, Kebab, and Turkish Coffee Items like a Turkish Coffee Pot (Cezve) Traditional clothing and accessories 2-South Asian Kit Recipes like Biryani, Samosas, and Chai Cultural clothing such as sarees, kurtas, and turbans Decorative items like Indian lanterns and rugs 3-Arabian Kit Recipes like Shawarma, Hummus, and Falafel Traditional headscarves and kaftans Middle Eastern-inspired furniture and decor items 4-African Kit Recipes like Jollof Rice, Ugali, and Plantains Traditional clothing such as Dashikis, Kente cloths, and headwraps African-inspired decor items like woven baskets and wooden carvings 5-Iranian Kit Recipes like Kebab, Fesenjan, and Persian Saffron Rice Persian rugs and tapestries Traditional clothing like long robes, scarves, and Persian jewelry 6-Mexican Kit Recipes like Tacos, Tamales, and Mole Cultural clothing such as sombreros, ponchos, and colorful dresses Decorative items like Day of the Dead skulls and piñatas 7-Japanese Kit Recipes like Sushi, Ramen, and Mochi Traditional clothing such as Kimono and Hakama Items like paper lanterns, bamboo plants, and tea sets 8-Italian Kit Recipes like Pizza, Pasta, and Gelato Traditional clothing like aprons and casual Italian summer dresses Tuscan-style furniture and decorative items 9-Greek Kit Recipes like Moussaka, Souvlaki, and Baklava Traditional clothing such as Chiton, and Greek sandals Mediterranean-inspired items like olive trees, stone columns, and decorative pottery 10-Caribbean Kit Recipes like **bleep** Chicken, Rice and Peas, and Rum Punch Cultural clothing like tropical dresses, sarongs, and linen shirts Beach-themed decor items, colorful wooden furniture, and island-inspired accessories These kits would be downloadable for free, allowing players to choose which cultural content they want to add to their game. This would be a fantastic way to celebrate diversity and create a more inclusive and globally diverse Sims experience25Views2likes1CommentCan we get pack refreshes? (Especially older packs)
We only got Spa Day as a refresh, i don't know what have happened but i do know other packs deserves its refreshes, especially Get To Work, Outdoor Retreat and maybe even Luxury Party Stuff because other packs looks so outdated and most people feels that way about older packs It needs (more) personality traits, aspirations but most importantly better gameplay The others can mention stuff i can't think of but such as Bowling night stuff pack needs atleast 1 aspiration Get To Work deserves a "hardworking" personality trait Get To Work should also come with better aliens Get To Work should have come with some shops like a game shop to buy games for your sim and even do groceries to buy food Seasons is outdated, especially with newer worlds because it's either too rainy or too warm, they're all the same in my opinion, maybe even do cross-pack so it's up-to-date with newer packs It needs a Seasons likes/dislikes (like seasons itself but also the weathers and temperatures) 1 aspiration and i just came up with "Great-Gardener" which is in the nature category also in Seasons: Plants, Grasses and trees you can take care of like in The Sims 2 (i didn't played The Sims 3) new personality traits "Moody" "Energetic" and "Seasonal Sensitive" that match with Seasons do cross-packs with holidays and a holidays likes/dislikes category so the events won't pop-up like a few stuff from Mt Komorebi and San Myshuno for its festivals and events from a few other worlds (or atleast have an option to turn it on/off like in some packs when in option) little kids jumping in bed untill the warning pops-up they get a little too warm like in The Sims 2 a winter competitions who builds the best snowman (but also have a option to turn it on/off for those who hates it) Cats And Dogs should have 4 traits called "pets lover" so it loves both cats and dogs, "hates pets" "hates dogs" and "hates cats" Island Living should come with more gameplay so it get the love it deserves like Summer and water sport activities, better mermaids too, maybe even a underwater world for mermaids only Dine Out should get a refresh too, better restaurants without or with so little bugs, maybe even a cooking aspiration, maybe even a "loves cooking" trait Jungle Adventure should come as a residental world so we can visit this world at any time now that we have vacation lots in residental world since Mt Komorebi Get Together should have better club system with the newer packs so it's up-to-date, other than that i can't think of other things for better gameplay Vampire it should come with better gameplay and a bit more lots, tiny little bit bigger world too, Moonwood Mill kind of world so it won't be useless anymore or atleast not like it used to be Each earlier packs should have a hair overhaul so it has a more natural or unnatural hair colour, NOT just the mix of the other colour Each occults should come as a family aspiration and each occult should have an option to stay in their own world (Mermaids in Sulani, Vampires in Forgotten Hollow, Aliens in Magnolia Promenade and Spellcasters in Glimmerbrook) only the werewolve pack has that option but i want that in each packs for those who wants this occults likes/dislikes category (which you prefer or don't prefer) Toddler Stuff should come with more gameplay and more items and same can be spoken with Kids Room Stuff with more skills options for them Realm Of Magic should come with a better and tiny little more not just lots but worlds aswell My First Pet should come with more pets like fishes in a aquarium, parrots that's in a cage and if you like set it free and flies around, your sim depending on their personalities and likes/dislikes should have a uncomfortable moodlet, maybe even having animals aspiration since we only have 1 of them in "Cats And Dogs" and possibly even have likes/dislikes category in animals Movie Hangout should come with a Cinemas venue since it already has a popcorn food and in my opinion it match perfectly with a cinemas venue, you can add drinks and snacks (including popcorn) so you can eat and drink it in a cinemas during a movie (we only have a rabbit-hole from the cinemas in San Sequoia which came in "Growing Together" pack) based on packs that has foods and drinks they should do likes/dislikes in food and drinks category and make that food likes/dislikes category in basegame packs which has sports in it they should not only come as aspirations but also for the likes/dislikes category and each having their own skills Outdoor Retreat it deserves to have more activities than catching bugs and insects (i can't think of any) and make it a residental world instead so we can visit it at any time Backyard stuff should come with more pool options like games you can do when swimming and even a small watersliders to name something, and more swimwear and summer outfits options for each ages Moschino should have a fashion career, do other fashion stuff and more party or formal outfits not just for teens and later stages but also fashion outfits for little kids and do photoshot for infants, toddlers and children, maybe even doing a fashion show as a party event or something infants and toddlers should have a refresh with the older packs since these 2 stages weren't there untill years later (i heard toddlers just came out in 2017 when The Sims 4 was running for like 3 years and infants only got added at the time Growing Together came out so back in 2023) and doesn't fit in with the older packs so they are included with the older packs aswell Fitness Stuff pack should come with more gym stuff Laundry Day should come with some aspirations and even more household options like cleaning the window and walls Luxury Party stuff should come with a Disco venue, set up drinks and foods for them and do "best dancing" aspiration (let's be honest, it looks a little too much like kits, not any single gameplay, it's for that reason it's my LEAST favourite Stuff packs, it needs a huge improvement but i can't think much of improvement for a better gameplay) Dream Home Decorator should have more items like cleaning the whole house, clean damaged or broken items while your sims goes on a vacation so they can renovate things during that time, clean the furnitures, move the furnitures or throw it away that isn't needed, a new aspiration is needed and i think i know the perfect name for this aspiration called: "furnitures designer" as a creativity category and i think Dream Home Decorator match perfectly with this personality trait idea called "super-keener" trait an updated version from this pack idea | EA Forums - 11878992 i think styling the furnitures and dye furnitures from your liking also match perfectly with this pack refresh idea the other side should be in a "Eco Lifestyle" refresh in my opinion because it's about finding damaged and broken furnitures and i mentioned having a dumpster, i think on this one there should be an another venue, personally i think the cleaning skill should become basegame if they ever add one, maybe the new venue is still a community space but it comes with a new name something called like "furniture shopping" or something in which you sell furnitures you've found in the dumpster after you cleaned it, i know an another aspiration which is mentioned in the link from above and it's called "running the furniture shop/market" in the money category and this pack should have an option to create the furnitures (if it hasn't done it already since i barely use the pack) and sell the furnitures you have created Growing Together should have more lots with more things to do and a daycare career, other than that this pack is perfect in my opinion Discover University should do a cross-pack if your sim signed itself in for university in which skills is avaible to go in and do careers during its university years, if your sim loves pets and/or animals, it can do a job and educate themselves so you'll find out if you can take care of it, parental skills too (i'm aware with some options but it looks a little outdated to me) it's just to name something...if not mistaken The Sims 2 had them High School Years should come with a better system since it's dramatic-free in my opinion, we should add dramas with consequences, like the teacher punish the students because the students attacked and/or insulted each other, coming late? talking in class? they will give you detention so your sim gets a tense moodlet, maybe taking responsibilities by like cleaning the classes or something we need more after-school activities (can't think of any) and if you skip this activity or if you have detention they kick you out or they give you a warning to do better we need a personality trait called "insecure" because it's normal for teens to have insecurities adults should have an active career based on school with the High School Years pack we saw a schoolbus but it's for decoration only, we need schoolbusses they pick the child and teenager up and make this part basegame like in the earlier sims versions having the option to turn on/off the school prom because a weekly prom is so annoying make a better clothes shopping and take on some clothes to see if it suit them and if it makes them feel comfortable or not, like the earlier sims versions My Wedding Stories should have a wedding planner career (even if they're rabbit-holes) My Wedding Stories should come with some terraces you can order drinks and foods like ice creams outside the house, romantic tents (can't think of other things from this pack but the distances are way too big to visit one to the other places, we should have some usefull things to make the distances shorter) Having make-overs by not just changing the hairs but also by doing make-ups on other sims like in The Sims 2 (it quite match with "My Wedding Stories") Get Famous should have an option just like in age option to toggle the famous thingy on/off on certain household since we only have the options on each household to toggle the famous thingy on/off i want to add an another option to only turn the famous thingy on/off on certain household only add atleast 1 more personality trait called "vain" because you're always so proud on a mission and/or appearances, i think this personality trait quite match with the pack Del Sol Valley should add a bit more lots, especially on the tops that comes with Get Famous each packs needs its overhaul when it comes to bugs, lags and glitches so it won't freeze, especially with more household or when you played for too long without saving it up228Views10likes2Comments