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CoLL33NMaRiE's avatar
6 years ago

Drinking potion didn’t work

I bought the potion of youth, drank it and nothing happened. He’s still an elder. I’ve never used the potions before so I’m not sure wth happened. I just wanted my guy to age down. Is this happening to anybody else? 

  • Unfortunately it likely worked just fine.

    If your sim is an Elder, drinking that potion won't make them a Young Adult or Adult. It only brings them back to the beginning of their age group.

    What I mean is this: If you have an Adult with 23 out of 24 days in that age group, they will age up in one day. If you then drink a Potion of Youth, they will STILL be an Adult, but will now have 0 out of 24 days in that group. Meaning they won't age up for another 24 days.

    I don't think there's a way to go "back" in life stages without using a cheat.

    You can always drink the potion, then use a cheat to roll back to Young Adult and "pretend" it worked...

7 Replies

  • Unfortunately it likely worked just fine.

    If your sim is an Elder, drinking that potion won't make them a Young Adult or Adult. It only brings them back to the beginning of their age group.

    What I mean is this: If you have an Adult with 23 out of 24 days in that age group, they will age up in one day. If you then drink a Potion of Youth, they will STILL be an Adult, but will now have 0 out of 24 days in that group. Meaning they won't age up for another 24 days.

    I don't think there's a way to go "back" in life stages without using a cheat.

    You can always drink the potion, then use a cheat to roll back to Young Adult and "pretend" it worked...

  • Psychotps's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    6 years ago

    No problem.

    If your sim only recently became an Elder, and you gave them the potion thinking it would roll them back to Adult or Young Adult, you will have wasted the points. There are several things you can do...

    1) Roll back your save to just before they became an elder and take the potion THEN. It'll roll them back to the beginning of the Adult phase.

    2) Since you are just learning how it worked, I wouldn't consider it a problem to use cheats. Since you are not likely to make that mistake again. Just roll them back to Adult and make sure to take the potion the day before aging up to Elder, to get the most out of the potions.

    Just keep a closer eye on when they would age up. Keep enough aspiration points saved up to purchase the potion when you get the notice that your sim would be aging up soon.

  • How would one do that, rolling back? Sorry, can. you tell I'm new? haha. Thank you! I had the same problem. Took it as an elder thinking it would bring back to young adult.

  • No, doesn't work. I used potion on an adult,  meaning his age should have gone back to day 0 of adulthood. Yet he aged up 48 in game hours later, meaning he worked 2 shifts and became elder.

  • Ruzho's avatar
    Rising Traveler
    5 months ago

    Despite this being a four-year-old necropost, I feel it necessary to answer the question in case someone stumbles on this thread like I just did (I'm looking for something else, though).

    @CaitlinLucyBasked how to "roll back" your age:  that's done in CAS with a cheat.  The cheat is:  cas.fulleditmode and you'll enter it just before you take a household CAS using whatever method you prefer (as long as it's not single-sim stylist mode):  dresser, mirror, closet, Manage Worlds, MCCC, whatever you like.  There is no console feedback for this command, and it doesn't expire until you quit the game, so you can keep going back into CAS and have full edit mode during your current session.  While in this mode, you have the same controls you did over your sim when you were first creating them, including the ability to change their age state.  You need the whole-household version of CAS to change gender, relationships, walkstyles, traits and such, but even if you're in single-sim edit mode, you still have fat/fit sliders, skin tones, and all that in fulleditmode.

    Now that you have an overview of that power....I bet you've got room near your front door for a Fashionista's Closet and a really ugly homeless rando who won't stop doing walkbys of your house to go use it on.  Cheers!

    Edit:  I would be remiss as a helpful resource if I forgot to mention that, in order to enter the cas.fulleditmode cheat, you must first enable cheats with testingcheats true ... and this advice only works on the PC version to my knowledge.  I would further be remiss to neglect to tell you that, once you enable testing cheats, there's a simpler way to age down if you don't want the full re-envision-your-sim experience:  shift-click the sim, click "Cheat Sim Info..." and then somewhere in the various options, there's "Age Up!" and "Age Down!" which immediately spins your sim around and sends you in the desired direction ... but since this is an immediate and major change, I should throw out a caution flag:

    • Clicking "Age Up!" when you're an elder is the same thing as "Kill Me With Old Age Right Now," and is a good way to test to see if Grim still cares (spoiler: he doesn't).
    • Aging down from Young Adult to Teen loses your third trait and any self discoveries as well as immediately firing you from your job and turning you into an F-grade High School student (plus any free levels from reward traits).
    • Doing it again will lose your second personality trait and all of your adult skills except the ones children can learn (like Logic and Charisma) and now you're an F-grade Grade School student.  You do not get those skills back when you age up, and the game decides which is your second and third traits without asking what you think they should be.

    With those caveats in mind, you'll see why cas.fulleditmode was my kneejerk response.

  • EA_Cath's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    5 months ago
    Locking this thread to prevent further necroposting. If any of you need help please open a new thread on the forums.

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