Sim not listening to commands
I've played the sims for a little while now and this is the first time this is happening to me. I have a household with three sims; two adults and one toddler. Before the toddler was born, both sims had no issues. The sim that gave birth still has no problems following commands, but when I try to make my other sim do something (having to do with the toddler or not), they cancel the action. For example, if i order them to put the kid to bed, she just picks him up and places him back down again. This has become an issue especially when the broken sim is the only caregiver around. Even actions like repairing a computer that have nothing to do with the kid get canceled. All day, this sim just stands in one spot looking around unless THEY decide to do something autonomously. I don't understand how to fix this--ive followed every youtube tutorial there is, uninstalled ALL of my mods--pretty much everything recommended to fix this issue. Is anyone else having this problem??“Blast From The Past” event (week 3) - “Repair or Replace the computer” problem
After completing the Time Travel Component interaction on a PC, the computer breaks and the next quest item is to repair that computer. When hovering over the task, the listed suggestions are to repair, replace or hire a repairman service. HOWEVER, I selected the “insta-repair” option as my sim has level 10 handiness and that doesn’t seem to be compliant with the task. So I have a non-broken PC and this outstanding task. Planning on putting the PC out next time it rains and see if that breaks it again. In the meantime, any suggestions on what else I can do? (At the very least hopefully this can be a warning for others who are yet to start this week’s event!) SOLVED! After a couple of in-game days, the task resolved itself on its own, appearing with a pop up “Computer Back Online” (“Whew! That was indeed close. The computer is available again, and the Time Travel Component is intact and back in place.”)SolvedAuto aging and household expansion glitches
I've noticed since installing Life and Death EP, that despite having setting turned off for unplayed households and NPCs, that they are still expanding households and attempting to age up. I removed all mods I've had and still have the issue. I've tried a few times to reset the options to no avail. It's making it hard to do a legacy game because I have to keep resetting their ages. Are there any suggestions about how to fix this? Thank you all.Gardening issue - unable to water plants
I have started having an issue where my Sims won't always perform gardening functions outside of harvesting. It is especially bad with watering plants, but sometimes happens with spraying for bugs or weeding. Since watering is impossible, any upper level tending all has my Sims stopping and abandoning the garden. Anyone else having this issue?How can I get my pottery customers to finish their projects?
So, in general, I like the new Hobbies and Business add-on, and my second-generation sims moved out of Mom and Dad's house and opened a pottery business. But how do I get the customers to finish their projects instead of leaving them on the pottery wheels? So far, only the owners of the shop can't fire the clay, and customers leave their projects on the wheel, and I can't sell what they make! (By the way, this is the first time I managed to get to a second generation in the game! The third generation just got born!)Small business, no business...
Hi! I got the Sim 4 business and hobbies expansion, and I'm confused/disappointed. So far, I have tried creating a tattoo studio and a cat cafe (different families & different lots), and with both, I am experiencing issues with customers not coming inside. On both lots, I have made sure I have a kiosk and business sign and that all areas are appropriately set to public for customers. I have made sure that there are activities to do and have not set any exemptions for customer types, but nothing has worked. I've moved the kiosk closer to the door, further away, next to the coffee stand/tattoo table. I've added more decor, more activities. I've set all prices to -50%, but I can not figure it out. Customers arrive when I open the small business and have "customer" displayed above them but they simply stand outside and won't enter. I have had my sim stand by them and "talk up the business" I've called sims over to get them inside, but they don't use the kiosk and just stand around until closing. Am I missing something really obvious, or is this a game issue? (NO CC'S or MODS USED)Rental lots getting corrupted
I've had this issue since first purchasing the For Rent-pack: whenever I've made a rental lot and then decide to turn it back to a different type of lot (e.g. residential, bar, park etc.) the lot gets corrupted and stops working. I've tried placing lots from the gallery to override the broken lot but that just breaks it even more. I've tried reverting it back to a rental but that also causes the lot to break more. Once the lot gets corrupted it becomes completely unplayable and it doesn't matter how much I bulldoze, try to replace the lot or change the lot type; the lot becomes unplayable. Sometimes I find some kind of middleground where the lot is corrupted but still somewhat playable, but then the lot splits into "two" lots (in this case, one is marked as a rental and the other as a residential), usually stacked on top of each other (shown in picture). This usually makes one of the lots playable put still corrupted (e.g. no roof, can't build on the lot or change the lot type etc.). As mentioned, this has been an issue from the start for me with the rental lot type (doesn't seem to have anything to do with CC since the issue started showing up with no CC or mods installed, and it has also never happened with any other lot type than with rentals) and it has ruined saves for me in the past. I've attached some pictures of how it ends up looking (the lot in the picture is a penthouse lot but I've had the same issue with regular residential lots as well so it is not tied to penthouses).