8 years agoHorses in the sims 4
Hello, I was waiting for pets in the sims 4 for so long and I see, there will be just dogs and cats. Do you now something about horses? Are they planning to add them someday?
As far as I know, seeing the trailer, we only get cats and dogs in the new expansion. Also they added foxes and raccoons.
I also liked horses a lot on the Sims 3, so hopefully they will be added some day 🙂 But for now, they are not included in the expansion pack.
will there been added horses soon everybody would love that like sims 3 maby add some cows and sheep will you make sims 4 farms animals and farms
@laraingals, No one knows for sure if horses or any other animals will be added to TS4! 🤔 Most of us helping out here are volunteers. A few people do work for EA, but that doesn't mean that they know if horses will be added or when -- and even if they do know, they might not be allowed to tell us right now! 🤨
I loved horses ❤️ (and unicorns!) in TS3, and I really miss them as well! 😢 While they aren't as useful with out the open world of TS3, we still could train them for horse competitions, not to mention spend time with them just for fun and companionship! 🥳❤️ If we were to get this pack, it would probably be either Game Pack (GP) or maybe an Expansion Pack (EP). Then there is the possibility that you mentioned that EA could included other farm animals 💔 with horses … if they do that it would probably be an EP! There are a lot of people out there that would love a farm pack (since we already have gardening, this would consist mostly of animals and maybe a few large crops like wheat, oats, corn, soy, or maybe alfalfa \ Lucerne. (Or pumpkins!) But I think most people would rather them focus on animals since we do already have a large gardening system! 😉 If we get a pack like this I hope it would include a farm windmill! 😎 I also would love an old-fashioned water pump! We have decorative ones in Oasis Springs, but I want functioning ones (not just for finding frogs! 😃 ) And we would definitely need chickens! :eahigh_file: But I want sheep the most since we can shear their fleece and then spin yarn and weave cloth with it! ❤️🥳
Well there is no guarantee since we don't even know what it would entail to make all this work in the game, but I think we could maybe get horses at least! 😳
I have to add that I love your screen name, as it is entirely appropriate to this post in that it is very similar to the author Laura Ingalls Wilder who wrote the "Little House on the Prairie" series of books! ❤️😇 I've read all her books numerous times! I was wondering if you chose your name for that reason or if it is just a coincidence! 🤔 (And of course there is the TV show too!)
Happy Simming! 🥳
That would be so nice to add horses into The Sims again? They had horses and Unicorns in The Sims 2 and The Sims 3 Why can't they add Horses Back into The Sims 4. If They o manage too add Horses into The Sims 4 They Should make a New Career where you can take care of horses , train them , Horse shows , and taming Wild Horses.
Yea i know i hope they add Horse's and Unicorn's soon to The Sims 4