I'm going to try and tread carefully here. First of all, to say that a word like savage is a blanket racist slur is incorrect when a person is not viewing the word in context. If everyone took something like this to heart, then there would virtually be no sims game as there'd be people from all cultures accusing the sims team of cultural slurs, cultural appropriation, etc, et al. Secondly, to claim that the "savage" when used as an adjective to refer to a person of indigenous origin is exclusive to American-Indians is being racially insensitive to other peoples who have also had that term applied to them. I refer to Indigenous South and Central Americans, Australian Aboriginals, Indigenous Fijians, pacific islanders. I can even go back in history and point out that the Normans used the term when referring to the Welsh. Coincidently, so did the Romans. Heck, even the English continued to use the term when referring to both the Welsh and the Scottish up until 200 years ago. Yet, no-one of Welsh, Scottish, Aboriginal, Fijian, South/Central American, Pacific Islander descent is complaining and through the term racist around. Look, I a do understand and appreciate that people do cop racial slurs from ignoramus' in this world (and believe you me, there are some real ignoramus' around), but this? Taking a word and saying it is a blanket racial slur (blanket meaning any and all contextual usage of the word) is a bit too much. And, it can also be seen as reverse racism. Just because a handful of ignorant douche-bags have their heads stuck in the backwoods, doesn't mean that all people of anglo-European descent are racist when they use the word. Yet - now correct me if I am wrong - it seem that what is the OP is (in a not so veiled manner) trying to say.
Look, I'm down in Australia and my ancestors are anything but Anglo-Saxon - try Welsh, Irish, Scottish and Sicilian-Italian (good recipe for a temper. lol). All of them were free settlers and do not originate with the first fleet (1788). Okay, yes, Anglo-Saxons did treat the Aboriginals appallingly - I'm not arguing that - but it was not my ancestors, nor was it me. So why should i have to apologise for something someone else did over 200 years ago? The same goes for this situation. The developers/programmers at EA have used the word savage in a manner that is purely descriptive of an action, not a person or a race.
Another example, and i feel this is more to the point here. All through infants and primary school (Elementary, early middle school for our US friends) I was picked on by bully's for a number of reasons. Due in part to my temper (see above) and my own personality, I always stood up for myself. Yes, some of those things i was picked on for have followed me through my life - namely a stammer. Now, i could let that affect my social interactions and simply isolate myself from the world. I could be over-sensitive. But i don't. Because being over-sensitive only leads an individual down a vicious spiral - it goes around and around until eventually everything is seen as a slight. And i think that is what happening here. Anglo-European Americans could take offense at being called "White Skins" by certain groups, but do they?
My point is this. To the OP, if you take offense at certain individuals slinging racial slurs at you, fair enough. That is your right to do so. Just as it is your right - within the bounds of state and federal laws - to stand up to it. Your problem is with them. Not the entire Anglo-European population.