Reaper's event not working
Hi! So, I am trying to play the grim reaper's event but the tasks don't show up for me anymore. I think it broke with the Ambrosia newsletter, I received the newsletter in my mail, opened it, read it, but the task didn't complete. The next day I expedited mail to see if it would come again in the hopes I'd get to complete the task, but the mailman showed up and wouldn't stop waving at my mailbox. I reseted te mailman and placed a new mailbox, but the same thin happened. Now I don't even get the event tasks anymore. I tried repairing my game, and even started a new sims 4 folder from scratch, in a brand new sav file, but nothing works...
Now we're in week two and I can't even finish week one's tasks.
Do any of you know how I could fix this?
soraiafilipa shotaryn Please use this master bug thread, and provide your save, as described in the accepted solution on page one, if you're willing.
megn1391 Please see the accepted solution of this thread for the issue with the planting tasks not completing: