Forum Discussion

hayleylynk's avatar
11 years ago

Why does the sims 4 suck so much?

The sims 4 is more of a dissapointment than when you eat a raisin cookie, hoping for chocolate chips. All of the beloved features from the Sims 3 were TAKEN AWAY. Everything I loved, is now GONE. What happened to the

  • Dishwashers
  • interests
  • pinball machines
  • magazines
  • family trees
  • swingsets
  • exterminator/BUGS?
  • no more illnesses or sicknesses? (wtf)
  • The abundance of public places
  • KARMA POWERS?!?!??!?!?!!??!?
  • zodiac signs
  • not even one car for decor!
  • no REPAIRMAN/repomen
  • no babysitters!
  • restaurants?? nope!
  • Have you seen a grocery store? i havent.
  • no ghosts
  • no full face makeup
  • no favorite foods, colours, music
  • no dreams 
  • no comfort need???
  • NO multi toned hair colours
  • No colourwheel to change your clothing colour
  • no BOOKSTORES? i dont wanna read the same 3 books.
  • no shopping for clothes
  • no aspiration failures
  • Hardly any empty lots
  •  No normal careers "Law, Medica, Buisness, etc'"

THOSE ARE JUST SOME THINGS THAT WE LOST. but thats not even it!! The whole world is completely FLAT. there is absolutely no oelevation in this game, i can only paint terrain unnatural colours. Also, half the lots in this game, i cant even visit! What happened to visiting your sim at work, and movie theatres, and public locations, and VEHICLE TRAVEL? I have to walk everwhere?

What about when im PREGNANT and i have to jog to the public places? Oh wait that doesnt happen because there is no place for a pregnant lady to hang out! There is only one bar, and a gym, and a park.... no book store? grocery store? how about all of that? NO HOSPITAL??? Oh yeah,. theres no need for one because MY SIM CANT GET SICK ANYMORE? absolutely no illnesses. not even one. what fun is that? 

Without toddlers, sicknesses, repo-man, possible bug infestations, WHAT IS THE POINT OF THE GAME? I grow up, have a kid, pick from one of the few, overly specific jobs, and that is IT. I repeat the cycle! If i am a good person, i dont even get rewarded! BECAUSE THERE IS NO MORE KARMA. no earthquakes, hardly ever any fires, and when my house DOES catch on fire, THERES NO **bleep** FIREMEN TO BLOW OUT THE FLAME. NO POLICE OFFICERS, NO NOTHING!!  

THE SIMS 4 IS A DOWNGRADE FROM THE SIMS 3 AND IVE NEVER BEEN MORE ENRAGED OVER A GAME. Half of the features that were cherished in the sims 3 are GONE in 4. Why produce another video game if you're taking everything away? YOURE SUPPOSED TO UPGRADE THE GAME.

8 Replies

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  • PugLove888's avatar
    6 years ago

    @NunyaDammeBiznis, not everyone liked the open world of TS3.  It crippled a lot of people's games! 😞 It was almost unplayable. 😢   Also, TS2 didn't have an open world, and in many people's opinions, it was the best version of the Sims! 🥳  However, if they can make an open world that wouldn't grind the game to a halt or make it unplayable, then I would be all for it! :eahigh_file:  But until then, I'm more than happy to be able to actually play a Sims game! 😉

    Happy Simming! 😇

  • EA_Lanna's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    6 years ago

     Hi folks, this thread is a bit of an oldie (necro'd) so I will close this thread here. Thanks.

  • Yeah I never owned the sims until now and the fact that the hundreds of dollars spent on sims 4 mods has gone to waist because nothing works is really ticking me off. The problem is not resolved. And don’t mark this as a resolution. These people deserve to get their money back for this carp. Or we can all just boycott the sims, so they can’t make anymore money off of their poorly designed games. 

  • Chey108's avatar
    6 hours ago

    How is that working for you now? Still able to play your sims 4 with all of the mods crashing your game play?

  • ImDoingJustDucky's avatar
    6 hours ago

    You should check your spelling before posting a hate comment. Also... why are you purchasing mods??

  • EA_Mako's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    6 hours ago

    Hey there,
    This thread is quite a few years old and is being locked here to avoid further necroposting.
    Feel free to create a new thread if there's a subject you're wanting to discuss that doesn't have a more recent topic, thanks! 

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