Currently there are no talks of CC being added to console. There are a few reasons why CC and mods are not being added to console, but is allowed on PC. One of the main reasons is because though it is not impossible, it is very difficult to manage CC and mods properly on Console as it is it's own operating system and games for consoles have to work specifically for console. Where on PC it gives more lean way to mess with files etc. The PC works like this "If you mess your game up or break your computer creating mods and CC that is on you" where as console the games are very specific and it is much harder to alter the console. Though people have messed with CC and mods on console, most companies and the consoles themselves don't really like it, especially when just anybody is doing it because you can break the console. The console has the same issue with cross platform games with PCers coming in with mods and cc and destroying players on console. Basically the console and PC are treated very differently. Sony and Microsoft also have to agree to allow mods and cc on console, so EA would have to get permission from both. So far only Microsoft(xbox) has given hints to they would allow CC and mods on console under specific terms. Sony I believe shut it down (no surprise Sony turns a lot of deals and things down when it comes to gaming, making the Xbox a lot more appealing in some cases for gamers) So basically it is not EA's fault as to why CC and mods have never came to console for any of the Sims games. You have to understand it is a lot more difficult than it is on PC and EA just allowing it on console. In the best case scenario, all parties agree to bring CC and mods to console, it would have to be very specific terms because of the sensitivity of the console and console games. So something like only a trusted team by said company or companies would be able to create CC or mods for console, unlike PC that has endless options and content of CC and mods because anyone can create them for PC. All this aside, EA is also not responsible for MODS or CC, they actually don't alter games or updates for mods or CC. So what you spend on games for whatever platform has nothing to do with CC or mods as EA doesn't make mods or CC nor are they responsible for them. Basically all EA does is not block them from the games on PC, but they don't care if updates break mods or cc for example because it is a separate thing. However, remain patient because you never know what the future will bring....They did end up bringing the gallery to console which was kind of against the grain and a big surprise for everyone.
Personally I always prefer all The Sims games on PC myself, and not just because of mods or cc. I love the controls better and it seems to be meant for PC. It honestly feels like when The Sims first came out for console and continues to come out for console was more of a business choice to make more money rather than it was meant for console. Unfortunately computers are not cheap, nor is buying all the PC versions of The Sims. Lol I'm lucky I started off as a PC sim fan and not a console fan. I liked The Sims 2 I believe it was on console, but that was it. I bought THe SIms 4 for Xbox before I got the PC version, played it for a day and got so frustrated because it took forever to do the simplest tasks, that I went out and bought The Sims 4 for PC the day after. (I was really late buying the Sims 4 as I loved The Sims 3 and waited as I didn't like The Sims 4 when it first came out.)