Forum Discussion

theskull251's avatar
7 years ago

4 Years Later

My opinion remains the same. Sims 4 has been overall just meh. The worlds too small. Even with all the stuff packs, and the expansions the content is too little. Then there's the bugs. If wasn't for MCCC I would have lost 10 times the hours I have lost with it due to various issues that are all well known. I have played every The Sims since 1. So far the cycle for Sims 4 has just left a sour taste in my mouth. I just hope Sims 5 will remedy everything that Sims 4 dropped the ball on when it's cycle comes.

40 Replies

  • "JoAnne65;c-16710503" wrote:
    "Writin_Reg;c-16709524" wrote:
    "wormstache999;c-16708858" wrote:
    "Cinebar;c-16708848" wrote:
    I forgot to add something that drove me nuts in TS4, the use of the Sim's pc for almost every thing. How over used is that object? to the hilt! It's almost like developers couldn't actually think of new ways to play outside of just connnecting everything to the Sim's pc. I know we use them every day in our own lives, but c'mon, no use in getting excited about a new career or aspriation if it's right back to the handy dandy Sim pc. Boring!

    And as for the subject of life in general, I’m not in my twenties, thirties or even fourtees and I agree with @Cynna . Shallowness isn’t the story of life, if anything it gets profounder the older I get. Because I’ve reached my goals, I am surrounded by the people who really matter to me and I know what I want much better now than I did when I was young.

    I have the same, those could be my own words - my family and friends are a Godsend - that is not what I am talking of... there is more to life than about things and the wonderful people in it - but I honestly hope you never experience what I am going through.
  • "wormstache999;c-16710474" wrote:
    "Writin_Reg;c-16709524" wrote:
    "wormstache999;c-16708858" wrote:
    "Cinebar;c-16708848" wrote:
    I forgot to add something that drove me nuts in TS4, the use of the Sim's pc for almost every thing. How over used is that object? to the hilt! It's almost like developers couldn't actually think of new ways to play outside of just connnecting everything to the Sim's pc. I know we use them every day in our own lives, but c'mon, no use in getting excited about a new career or aspriation if it's right back to the handy dandy Sim pc. Boring!

    Agreed. It's really boring how you can buy everything at the computer - medicine, upgrade parts, vampire literature, books, seeds etc. And then it just magically appears in your inventory without your Sims even sitting down to order it :neutral:

    Well it could be because that is exactly what modern consumers do now a days. I rarely go to a mall or store myself. It's so easy to just buy online and get it delivered. So they sort of reflect that in the game too.

    I do go to farm stores and get fresh veggies and eggs, fruits, berries, maple syrup, and honey. Stuff I know is fresh anf grown organically - why go to a grocers -no point. Even my medication is delivered to me direct from the labs - no middle man involved and at a better price than a pharmacy. Why waste gas to go to a store, pay higher prices for often far less fresh products? Never mind all the time to do those things when I know what I want and it's down around the corner or better yet no further than my pc? I sort of like the fact my sims reflect the way I actually live and not like my mother and grandmother lived. The only grip I have is no living in our own home businesses - as that's a thing now a days more than ever - at least it is here in Maine. I find it odd that Sims 2 had that when it wasn't so common as a choice - but Sims 4 doesn't. So I just don't bother with retail in my game in Sims 4 but do enjoy using pc for many purchases.

    Of course if it had been just like Sims 2 - then we would be paying for the same game - so I suppose it needed to be done differently. Even if I preferred how Sims 2 did it, I can understand it being different. I know I can always go back and play that way in Sims 2 anytime I want.

    I too preferred Sims 3 up until they brought in toddler and the amazing Vamps. I still miss a lot of things from Sims 3 - but I can also enjoy where Sims 4 is now as well - and for things I do think Sims 4 does better. It does not make me not miss things I could do in Sims 3 though, so I can understand how some people prefer to play that game as I said. I just don't think I would have still been here complaining if I already had the perfect game - that's all. 4 years is a long time to be constantly unhappy.

    Of course you can order most stuff on the computer nowadays, but my point was that there's not even an animation where your Sims sit down and order it. And it doesn't arrive via mail two or three days later, but just magically and immediately appears in your inventory.

    The first time I played TS4 I was actually hoping sims would have to go to the mail box in order to retrieve what they ordered. Was I so just pops up in the inventory.
  • "Sigzy05;c-16711264" wrote:
    "wormstache999;c-16710474" wrote:
    "Writin_Reg;c-16709524" wrote:
    "wormstache999;c-16708858" wrote:
    "Cinebar;c-16708848" wrote:
    I forgot to add something that drove me nuts in TS4, the use of the Sim's pc for almost every thing. How over used is that object? to the hilt! It's almost like developers couldn't actually think of new ways to play outside of just connnecting everything to the Sim's pc. I know we use them every day in our own lives, but c'mon, no use in getting excited about a new career or aspriation if it's right back to the handy dandy Sim pc. Boring!

    Agreed. It's really boring how you can buy everything at the computer - medicine, upgrade parts, vampire literature, books, seeds etc. And then it just magically appears in your inventory without your Sims even sitting down to order it :neutral:

    Well it could be because that is exactly what modern consumers do now a days. I rarely go to a mall or store myself. It's so easy to just buy online and get it delivered. So they sort of reflect that in the game too.

    I do go to farm stores and get fresh veggies and eggs, fruits, berries, maple syrup, and honey. Stuff I know is fresh anf grown organically - why go to a grocers -no point. Even my medication is delivered to me direct from the labs - no middle man involved and at a better price than a pharmacy. Why waste gas to go to a store, pay higher prices for often far less fresh products? Never mind all the time to do those things when I know what I want and it's down around the corner or better yet no further than my pc? I sort of like the fact my sims reflect the way I actually live and not like my mother and grandmother lived. The only grip I have is no living in our own home businesses - as that's a thing now a days more than ever - at least it is here in Maine. I find it odd that Sims 2 had that when it wasn't so common as a choice - but Sims 4 doesn't. So I just don't bother with retail in my game in Sims 4 but do enjoy using pc for many purchases.

    Of course if it had been just like Sims 2 - then we would be paying for the same game - so I suppose it needed to be done differently. Even if I preferred how Sims 2 did it, I can understand it being different. I know I can always go back and play that way in Sims 2 anytime I want.

    I too preferred Sims 3 up until they brought in toddler and the amazing Vamps. I still miss a lot of things from Sims 3 - but I can also enjoy where Sims 4 is now as well - and for things I do think Sims 4 does better. It does not make me not miss things I could do in Sims 3 though, so I can understand how some people prefer to play that game as I said. I just don't think I would have still been here complaining if I already had the perfect game - that's all. 4 years is a long time to be constantly unhappy.

    Of course you can order most stuff on the computer nowadays, but my point was that there's not even an animation where your Sims sit down and order it. And it doesn't arrive via mail two or three days later, but just magically and immediately appears in your inventory.

    The first time I played TS4 I was actually hoping sims would have to go to the mail box in order to retrieve what they ordered. Was I so just pops up in the inventory.

    I know - I was disappointed in that as well.

    Even as one who loves playing outside of reality - there are many aspects of reality that just feel wrong when they are missing. Like order on line get a box at your door or package in the mail box. Such a little thing in my view - but it should be there. These are the sims living life - not the Jetsons.
  • Toddlers made all the difference for me. I was getting rather bored with Sims 3, but without toddlers, Sims 4 didn't hold my interest. With the toddler patch and Parenthood pack, the game is as immersive as any of the previous iterations (and I started with The Sims back in 2000). The kid- and teen-parent interactions are much improved, and I like having various traits that kids and teens can work toward. Also, kids and teens are much more interesting now that they don't come home from school miserable, with homework that takes forever and makes them even more miserable.

    I don't mind not having to order things - half the time, trying to catch the delivery guy was a challenge in itself. I don't know how many times my order wasn't delivered because I couldn't get my Sim to the door in time. I'm more bothered by the disappearing diapers, actually.
  • I'm also surprised that there was nothing for the anniversary (or did I miss something?). This weekend TS4 had its fourth anniversary but the only thing I saw was two giveaways for two GPs and two EPs. Not even a simple text post. Iirc there was some kind of long weekend in America, but considering it's 2018 I thought someone would have at least prepared a post in advance. It's weird they don't celebrate it or say something. Always weird to hear talks about their "new improved communication strategy" but then all we get is silence for weeks...
  • "wormstache999;c-16708858" wrote:
    "Cinebar;c-16708848" wrote:
    I forgot to add something that drove me nuts in TS4, the use of the Sim's pc for almost every thing. How over used is that object? to the hilt! It's almost like developers couldn't actually think of new ways to play outside of just connnecting everything to the Sim's pc. I know we use them every day in our own lives, but c'mon, no use in getting excited about a new career or aspriation if it's right back to the handy dandy Sim pc. Boring!

    Agreed. It's really boring how you can buy everything at the computer - medicine, upgrade parts, vampire literature, books, seeds etc. And then it just magically appears in your inventory without your Sims even sitting down to order it :neutral:

    Some people in Real Life do all their shopping online -- they appreciate the convenience rather than having to get in the car and drive around to numerous stores (burning fuel in the process), or maybe they've got toddlers and don't want to have to herd them while trying to shop, or maybe they're disabled and getting to a store is more work than it's worth, especially if you get there and they don't have what you're looking for.

    I agree with @Writin_Reg that the game has improved a great deal -- yes, it's been with the help of DLC but that's not just a Sims thing; take a look at the DLC for a game like Cities:Skylines or the numerous expansions for World of Warcraft.

    I don't know if they're working on a Sims 5, or if they'll just stretch Sims 4 out longer. I do agree that they shouldn't bring out Sims 5 until it has all necessary content -- all age stages, basic careers, something to work for. Maybe even a likes/dislikes system or a basic memory system (you want to remember your first kiss with your True Love, but maybe not every time you grow a perfect plant). A basic story progression that you can opt your played Sim out of but that helps the game grow and develop. I'm meh on open world; the worlds in Sims 3 were beautiful but the Sims themselves seemed wooden. And the game is The Sims, not The Sims Worlds.

    Overall, four years later I enjoy The Sims 4, and I can see myself playing it for quite some time. Once I know the game is done I'll probably dive into the mines of CC (not so much for CAS but for furniture and objects) and expand my game play that way.
  • I personally feel that Sims 4 has improved quite a lot after the toddlers were finally introduced. (I love these toddlers. Best toddlers ever!) Vampires was another great pack, and Seasons really helped revitalize my interest in Sims 4 after a long drought or tiny trickle of content. :smiley:

    My score went from around maybe 4/5 to maybe 6 and now (especially with toddlers, Vampires, Parenthood, Seasons combined with Get Together) around 7, maybe edging into 8. :smile: :heart:

    However, even though I love playing it, it is still very limited and is still missing some content compared to the past Sims games. Plus, there were some bug issues here and there (and some simmers got more bugs than others).

    I do love a lot of the content, but it’s been four years, and I’m still waiting for a beach world or ocean swimming and other occult’s, etc. And the babies are just meh for me (who always loved babies in Sims) being chained objects like back in Sims 1. And a lot of the creative aspects and tools are limited compared to past games (ie no color wheel, no CaST, no CAW, etc).

    I LOVE the toddlers, vampires, the Get Together club system, the calendar, and some other stuff, so I do still play it a lot.

    I just... don’t feel it has reached that “excellent potential” after four years. It’s not quite a 9-10 Rating game; I give that rating to Sims 2 and Sims 3 (yes, even with my mixed feelings about Sims 3, lol!). Those games pushed the envelope of progress for the Sims series and also provided more content and gameplay depth in four years.

    I still love Sims 4. It does have a lot of glimmer of potential to reach that, and it does introduce some nice cool stuff, but the limited budgeting and perhaps the engine is inhibiting some of that really high potential.

    I love it, but those first two very frustrating (for me) years could have been better, and I feel there are some budget limitations or something that’s stopping it from becoming a potentially really great game.

    Hope they keep improving the game, fixing bugs, and adding more content. I still love the game.

    That’s my personal opinion, of course. :smile:

  • "soko37;c-16710719" wrote:
    "wormstache999;c-16708858" wrote:
    "Cinebar;c-16708848" wrote:
    I forgot to add something that drove me nuts in TS4, the use of the Sim's pc for almost every thing. How over used is that object? to the hilt! It's almost like developers couldn't actually think of new ways to play outside of just connnecting everything to the Sim's pc. I know we use them every day in our own lives, but c'mon, no use in getting excited about a new career or aspriation if it's right back to the handy dandy Sim pc. Boring!

    Agreed. It's really boring how you can buy everything at the computer - medicine, upgrade parts, vampire literature, books, seeds etc. And then it just magically appears in your inventory without your Sims even sitting down to order it :neutral:

    Yes, lack of object interaction is a big problem. They used to open drawers to change clothes too and now they just spin in the air without interacting with the object.

    Also, I hate how they just give us everything. I just started one of my sims on the flower arranging and even though she has no flowers, she can still make arrangements. Same with food. It is way more fun to have to go out in the world and buy food and flowers or grow the flowers yourself instead of it all just being there magically.

    First, there's not much stopping you from doing that if you want, especially with the flower arranging. I've been watching TheSimSupply's Seasons Rags to Riches series in which he does the flower arranging and he only uses the flowers he grows himself. Just because the option to buy the needed supplies is there doesn't mean you have to use it. (I think the same can be done with most food that have listed ingredients too.)

    Second, making food or flower arrangements without the items needed takes funds instead to do. So you're not just 'given everything'. I find it balances out. It's like with painting, how you pay for the canvas and supplies in order to paint. The fact that it's instant or whatever is little more than just a time saver.

    I don't see what the issue really is here, when you are able to do what you want (even being able to set up actual flower or food shops with GTW), but then you want others who want more convenience without mods to not have that option? Taking away choices is not giving more to the player, lol.
  • "stilljustme2;c-16712678" wrote:
    "wormstache999;c-16708858" wrote:
    "Cinebar;c-16708848" wrote:
    I forgot to add something that drove me nuts in TS4, the use of the Sim's pc for almost every thing. How over used is that object? to the hilt! It's almost like developers couldn't actually think of new ways to play outside of just connnecting everything to the Sim's pc. I know we use them every day in our own lives, but c'mon, no use in getting excited about a new career or aspriation if it's right back to the handy dandy Sim pc. Boring!

    Agreed. It's really boring how you can buy everything at the computer - medicine, upgrade parts, vampire literature, books, seeds etc. And then it just magically appears in your inventory without your Sims even sitting down to order it :neutral:

    Some people in Real Life do all their shopping online -- they appreciate the convenience rather than having to get in the car and drive around to numerous stores (burning fuel in the process), or maybe they've got toddlers and don't want to have to herd them while trying to shop, or maybe they're disabled and getting to a store is more work than it's worth, especially if you get there and they don't have what you're looking for.

    While I don't mind being able to buy things online (though I'd much rather go out and get things because why do we have a retail system if it's half broken and inefficient so we can't use it?

    BUT, I'd like for items bought online to be delivered TO THE MAILBOX. It makes no sense that just instantly jumps into the sim inventory. It would be more more realistic to have to wait a day to be delivered the next day, and it'd provide incentive to just go out and buy something if we need it immediately.

    Speaking of the mailbox... why can't we mail letters to other sims? Why is pen-palling all on the computer? Why can't we items we craft to sims elsewhere???

  • Hi folks,

    I removed some comments from this thread - please let's be civil and polite to each other.

    Thank you!

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