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I've just had a right kerfuffle in my game before I closed it down tonight. And it's all because of the guy in the attached image... Pegasus the Unicorn. (I know the real Pegasus was winged instead of horned but he just looks like a Pegasus to me.)
I finally made my Unicorn for my Spellcaster and my eyes literally welled up at how lovely he is. But once I moved him to his magical castle I found a big problem... he's refusing to use the gate. This is what happens when I forget to turn off MOO before I place a gate. But I had just managed to squeeze it in next to a waterfall that took me ages to build.
So I guess tomorrow I'm moving a waterfall to accommodate a Unicorn, which sounds like a perfectly normal day!
It is great that your sim went flower shopping today @Ellupelluellu 🙂
This is a great thread that you have started!
Pegasus is a lovely unicorn! @simsplayer818 🙂 I am sorry that he found it hard to use the gate due to the waterfall! I hope that you go well tomorrow moving the waterfall.- SimTresa12 months agoSeasoned Ace
An alien abduction baby was born. A little girl named Tara Seren, the Hindi and Welsh names for Star since Jyoti's husband is Welsh. That is such a lovely photo ! @SimTresa 🙂 Little Tara Seren is looking lovingly up at the sim. Congratulations on her birth ❤️
- @SimTresa Aww that's so sweet!
Josh decided to try riding Sugar to town for supplies. Didn't go so well.
- @simsplayer818 He is lovely 🧡
Josh didn’t have a great time riding Sugar to town! @Bluegayle 🙂 It doesn’t look like Sugar wanted to go there!
- SimTresa12 months agoSeasoned Ace
Thank you, @rosemow
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