Forum Discussion

Huiiie_17's avatar
6 years ago

A small complaint about Bouncers

First, I love Get Famous, and it's probably one of my favorite packs for TS4, but one thing that's really annoying me is the random assignment of bouncers that always end up being my own sims, from other played households, usually sims that physically don't even fit into a bouncer job.

I would really like if bouncers would only be assigned from a pool of unplayed households (or even households without the ♥ on it, to be really sure). They should also look physically fit and not totally lean and skinny. It just doesn't make any sense when my super skinny sim who never worked out in her life is assigned bouncer.

Alternatively, giving us the option to assign NPCs like bouncers or mixologists ourselves would solve the problem as well.
  • "Huiiie_07;c-16898784" wrote:
    "Cupid;c-16896758" wrote:
    Are you using any mods? Or does this happen without mods installed?

    Yes, I use mods, but recently I noticed that no bouncers are spawning anymore, and if so rarely. I will try it without mods when I'll start the game again.

    Is MCCC one of those mods? A lot of people don't know this, but MCCC does this thing where it allows unemployed, played sims to be eligible for service jobs. It does this in an attempt to make the game generate less townies and there's no setting for this, it's just something it does automatically when it's installed.

    If you're seeing played sims show up as bouncers, my suspicion is that it's MCCC. If you give the sims a job or register them with the ministry of labor it might make them stop showing up as bouncers.
  • "Huiiie_07;c-16898998" wrote:
    "Cupid;c-16898833" wrote:
    "Huiiie_07;c-16898784" wrote:
    "Cupid;c-16896758" wrote:
    Are you using any mods? Or does this happen without mods installed?

    Yes, I use mods, but recently I noticed that no bouncers are spawning anymore, and if so rarely. I will try it without mods when I'll start the game again.

    Is MCCC one of those mods? A lot of people don't know this, but MCCC does this thing where it allows unemployed, played sims to be eligible for service jobs. It does this in an attempt to make the game generate less townies and there's no setting for this, it's just something it does automatically when it's installed.

    If you're seeing played sims show up as bouncers, my suspicion is that it's MCCC. If you give the sims a job or register them with the ministry of labor it might make them stop showing up as bouncers.

    Don't have MCCC, so it must be something else in my game, in case nobody else has this problem.

    Yeah, it turns out it might not be a mod issue. There is a bug report you can add feedback to here:
  • LadyKyn's avatar
    New Traveler
    Usually a set amount of skills can determine this. Like mixology my sim moonlight as a bartender and has a level 4 mixology and saw her as a npc at a bar in rotation.

    I keep thinking Sims with active traits get picked for the bouncer as live seen a good many that had the trait could be a coincidence. But they should fix it where it only picks homeless sims at the very least. I used a small mod by littlemisssam that does just that.
  • "Cupid;c-16896758" wrote:
    Are you using any mods? Or does this happen without mods installed?

    Yes, I use mods, but recently I noticed that no bouncers are spawning anymore, and if so rarely. I will try it without mods when I'll start the game again.
  • "Cupid;c-16898833" wrote:
    "Huiiie_07;c-16898784" wrote:
    "Cupid;c-16896758" wrote:
    Are you using any mods? Or does this happen without mods installed?

    Yes, I use mods, but recently I noticed that no bouncers are spawning anymore, and if so rarely. I will try it without mods when I'll start the game again.

    Is MCCC one of those mods? A lot of people don't know this, but MCCC does this thing where it allows unemployed, played sims to be eligible for service jobs. It does this in an attempt to make the game generate less townies and there's no setting for this, it's just something it does automatically when it's installed.

    If you're seeing played sims show up as bouncers, my suspicion is that it's MCCC. If you give the sims a job or register them with the ministry of labor it might make them stop showing up as bouncers.

    Don't have MCCC, so it must be something else in my game, in case nobody else has this problem.
  • "Cupid;c-16899013" wrote:
    "Huiiie_07;c-16898998" wrote:
    "Cupid;c-16898833" wrote:
    "Huiiie_07;c-16898784" wrote:
    "Cupid;c-16896758" wrote:
    Are you using any mods? Or does this happen without mods installed?

    Yes, I use mods, but recently I noticed that no bouncers are spawning anymore, and if so rarely. I will try it without mods when I'll start the game again.

    Is MCCC one of those mods? A lot of people don't know this, but MCCC does this thing where it allows unemployed, played sims to be eligible for service jobs. It does this in an attempt to make the game generate less townies and there's no setting for this, it's just something it does automatically when it's installed.

    If you're seeing played sims show up as bouncers, my suspicion is that it's MCCC. If you give the sims a job or register them with the ministry of labor it might make them stop showing up as bouncers.

    Don't have MCCC, so it must be something else in my game, in case nobody else has this problem.

    Yeah, it turns out it might not be a mod issue. There is a bug report you can add feedback to here:

    That's great, well, not really great, but atleast I know now that it isn't because of me.
  • Cupid, thanks for the link! Have been having the issue as well with no mods/CC. Have not encountered many bouncers, but those that have seen are: a) male, b) built like a lineman in the NFL. Nancy Landgraab just does not cut it as a bouncer, neither do the Caliente sisters or MS Pancakes.