> @Crueltivity said:
> My male vampire sim just got alien twins too, I'm so in love with them and their voices!
Sorry don't mean to necro an old thread but I had to say.....
ZOMGDZ!!!! You Got Alien.....Twin.....VAMPIRE CHILDREN!!!! EPIC!
Actually I realize this probable isn't game accurate since without cheats I don't think the game will apply the "alien" and "vampire" traits to the same sim. Still it was a ZOMG moment to think about. LMAO The only way it could have been MORE epic is if it was Twin Alien Vampire Quadruplets, which i've heard can actually happen in the game as far as quads. Heh.
I suppose you might be able to get a sim with alien and vampire traits on them with cheats but i'm not sure if it would look so horrible from cheats that it would be unplayable, or it would cause the game mechanics to drop dead first. LMAO