"Writin_Reg;c-17134622" wrote:
"LiELF;c-17134547" wrote:
"Writin_Reg;c-17134462" wrote:
"PlayerSinger2010;c-17133796" wrote:
Laundry is the most obnoxious thing in the games and the stupid washers and dryers are constantly breaking down! WHY?
Hmm - suggestion - don't like laundry - don't use it in your game. Simple solution if you ask me. Some simmers like it - so why take away their option to have it because you don't like it. I don't like housework in the game so I simply do not add things to my game that has to do with those things - I would not tell others they shouldn't have it or carry on over it.
I think you took their quote a little too much to heart. They never expressed that it should be taken away from others, they said washers and dryers annoyed them because they always break down. I believe this thread is about what we, as individuals, find irritating or problematic in the game as it is currently. Everyone is just blowing off steam here. :)
Probably - but taking laundry for instant - I bought it because I liked rest of the pack for one and secondly because simmers helped make it - but I discovered immediately I was not wanting laundry in my own households so i did not put the washing items in my game. Instead I enjoy the other content in the pack instead of complaining about what I don't like. I find when people complain too much next time we get nothing and as it was if it was not for simmers doing that pack this time we would not have had an option for laundry because the other devs were not interested in making it as it had not been all that popular the first time. So I find complaining may make no one have it - and I really do not think that is fair to people who do want it.
You have to admit EA is known to not add content next time around if there was too many complaints. Was all I was saying. I have seen this happen since the first game. So yes I do take it a bit serious as I have a lot of friends and family that plays this game too - and some of them like those kind of things. I am like that.
I get what your saying, and I understand wanting to prevent the elimination of a feature (for myself, it would be Occults) but it's not like this thread is a petition against laundry, lol. It's just a little general gripe thread. And, again, the original poster was not asking for laundry to be eliminated. They were irritated that the machines break down too much. They were pretty specific in why they were unhappy with it. Players need to be able to express these things in order for features to improve in the future. That's how we make positive changes. Keep in mind that the Laundry pack is the most popular of all of the Stuff packs. There were petitions on these forums filled with requests for laundry way before it came out. Even SumGuru Graham wanted to do laundry. I'm quite sure it is in no danger at this time, lol.