> @elanorbreton said:
> So... what is the most annoying/frustrating or just plain plum thing that you hate coming across/avoid like the plague and wish had never made it into the game?
> Maybe it's something big like the rain, or something minor like the talking toilet? What gets you grrrrring? And I'm not talking about bugs, but deliberate features.
> For me, being a family player, it has to be the monster under the bed... and out of all the anti-monster lights I love the little portable one the best because it is the most discreet, but those darn kids have a habit of playing with them and then putting them elsewhere while I'm not looking. Grrrrrrr :D
1. My grown Sim, who is a doctor, running around in the rain like an idiot. Seriously who's idea was this? "It's waining HAHAHA!" *head-desk*
I could see if my sim had the loves outdoors trait or the complete moron trait, but he doesn't. This need to be linked with children and the outdoor traits. Same goes for playing in mud.
2. shoveling snow/mopping outside while at public venues. Why is my sim shoveling snow while at a nightclub. -This is straight up broken.
3. Flirting and couples. Something else completely broken in the game. Example: A married couple, Sally and Bob are enjoying each other's conversation. Another sim approaches and starts flirting with Bob. Well Bob is offended. He does the whole puts the hands the hands on the hips and "uh-uhh!". You would think Sally would get an angry moodlet directed at the flirty sim. No, she get's sad because her spouse is flirting. WHAT??? ***BROKEN***
4. Yes, talking toilets all get removed in my games. They are a complete distraction at public venues. I want to see my sims socializing with each other not talking to a toilet.
5 The computer. Why is my sim, who has the outgoing trait chatting on the computer when guests are over?
If I think of any more I'll post them here :)