> @SimQueenie9 said:
> Arzekial wrote: »
> I have another one: Playing more than one sim.
> If you have a family and you decide to go to this " Crazy thing happening in the ruins" which always ends up being pretty boring btw... the rest of your sims are not sleeping, using the bathroom, or eating and by the time you get back they are dead exhausted at 4 in the morning, starving to death and about to explode. This needs to be fixed.
> The crazy thing always seems to stop happening before I get there. :(
Yeah, It would be nice if they spent a little time updating older content. The ruins (boring) The Romance Festival - for some reason all my sims either just stand in one spot spacing out or just sit at the table with a big goofy grin. Not sure what's going on there, haha.
Club Members asking if you want to hang out tonight at 11 AM. I'm thinking "Sure, tonight. Sounds good" Then you immediately end up going to the ruins and phone tapping for 3 hours with 4 other sims. Crazy fun. Haha