Forum Discussion

ihtsbree's avatar
7 years ago

After School Activities GP? Please?

I don't know about you guys, but I've been hoping for a bit more from the school interactions. I love that when my child sim goes to school, I'll get a random notification every once in a while about a conflict at school (may just run with Parenthood pack - not sure), but is that really it?

If I can't get more interactions while they're at school can I at least get to send them to do something AFTER like dance, karate, gymnastics, or literally ANYTHING?!

I think it'd be so cute to have my toddler go to dance classes at a studio while her parents are at work and have that be a thing she grows up doing like ugh how cute. Thoughts?
  • ChadSims2's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    Sounds good to me Sims need more hobbies especially the younger Sims who really don't have any at this point. Karate, dance, gymnastic all would be great to see, with karate I'd love for each skill up to gain a new belt color been hoping to see karate since Spa Day.
  • Briana2526's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie
    I would like teens/kids to do more school stuff for school like more home work especially with teens have write an essay assignment also the afterschool activities.
    I heard in seasons kids will be scouts I would love that and idea they can carry that over as teens what special skills they learn when scouting the more skills the kids learn as scouts the more opportunities will open as they get older.
  • I think we're going to get this in the near future. Seasons is introducing a scouts "career" for children and teens. I think this is the beginning of such extra curricular activities :) maybe we will get some gradually here and there with different packs, or maybe we'll get a bunch of them in an education themed expansion pack? I'm also excited to see if this can be modded and maybe we can get some cool fan made ones!