Forum Discussion

ck213's avatar
Seasoned Scout
4 years ago

Ah! A perfect excuse to go haunted.

I am playing my Uni prep-school dorm when the dishwasher and sink broke at the same time.
The maid had arrived first and the repair person arrived a little later. The maid was mopping up the mess from both objects, blocking the repair person, who was complaining.

Eventually the maid mopped up enough water to allow the repair person to fix the objects.
The maid then returned to the spot and started having a fit.

And then...


This is your fault.

If you hadn't been harassing her about being in your way, she wouldn't have popped a major blood vessel.

Way to show some remorse there, Zane.

That changes when Grim shows up.

This is the first time I had an NPC die on a residential lot.

We get an urn?

I'll put it in the greenhouse for now.

Cassandra Goth isn't going to allow a chance to chat with Grim to pass by.

He says he's a bit of a Geek and dislikes the color black.
But he just says that so people won't accuse him of being Emo.

And this is when I decided this lot is going to be haunted.
There is a precedent now, and I like the idea of a haunted school.

I didn't think it would start right away however.

  • I just had a recent situation! A sim died while trying to repair a stereo at university, electrocution. I have a mod that fleshed out ghosts a bit more, they can autonomously haunt as if the house was haunted.

    So my sim is sleeping and I jump out of my seat irl because I hear a scream and the lights flicker, the sims ghost was haunting the lot.

    All of the sims in the dorm woke up screaming and running around.
  • ck213's avatar
    Seasoned Scout
    What an interesting day at Smuggsworth Prep.
    They also had two visitors from the Britechester Dorm.

    The one in the red dress was the best dormie ever.
    She was the source of several entertaining moments while at Uni.

    The School Administrator and School Counselor arrive.

    You finally have a real problem to manage here, buddy.

    The maid showed up the first night for some haunting.

    Oh, she's an angry ghost.

    That on top of the other things that will start happening around here should be interesting.

    Meadow Thayer ran to her bedroom.

  • Isharell's avatar
    New Spectator
    I love the way you are incorporating this into your ongoing story!
  • ck213's avatar
    Seasoned Scout
    "Isharell;c-17904662" wrote:
    I love the way you are incorporating this into your ongoing story!

    This makes for a nice change of pace.
    3 of the students are Uni students, waiting to rotate back in Ubrite for another term.
    They are taking time to work on their Academic aspiration, tutoring students on campus.

    The other 3 are teens, working on skills they need for University.
    I had the student counselor write them all excuses to take the day off from class to work on their skills at the dorm.
    I wonder how distracted they are going to be while the place is haunted now.

    The Student Counselor, Administrator, and Casandra Goth will probably be the ones who take on the haunting.
    I will probably simply have them master the Medium skill and then call the school cleansed.
  • ck213's avatar
    Seasoned Scout
    Alright, I am getting TS2 and TS3 vibes where something random would happen that would send you in unexpected directions.
    I'll cover this in a two-parter, I wanted to keep this bit of paranormal play short and sweet, as my focus with my sims here was prepping the teens for Uni and rotating the young adults back for their final term.

    The angry ghost spent quite a bit of time trying to calm her anger.
    She kept failing and seemed to be getting angrier.

    She eventually calmed down.

    But that didn't stop her from breaking the sink.
    I am imagining her wanting the repair person to come back, so she can scare her to death. >:)

    She struck up a conversation with a happy spirit on the balcony.

    The whole building was startled awake:

    Cassandra tried to bribe them into going away.

    I forgot that they only wanted handcrafted items.

    So she tried a ceremony.
    She's a spell caster and skilled up quickly.

    But it was interrupted and only made things worse.

    One of the spirits must have dropped this goblet.
    Zane picked it up and drank the contents.

    I put it in the trophy case because it was worth 200 Simoleons.
    I should have sold it right away because someone must have taken it and tossed it in the dishwasher, never to be seen again.

    I set Meadow to work, knitting up some handcrafted offerings.

    They were meh about her knitted cap.

    I gave them two more and they decided to leave before she gave them another crappy cap.

    We might need more of those.

    After knitting, Meadow went to morn at the dead maid's urn.

    There was an interaction that would summon one of those Day of the Dead celebrators.

    This was new to me, so I gave it a try.

    And there she is.
    I found that Meadow could ask her for a sugar skull.

    She was far off and walking away from the prep-school dorm.
    This calls for a bike.

    Oh look, it's that secret society sprite cult.

    Darn it!
    She's gone.

    It's okay. Cassandra will summon up another one.

    There you are!

    "Hey kid, can I have one of those Sugar skulls?"



    "Pretty please?"


    "Well, fine! I don't have time for this.
    The sun is about to rise."

    Wow, this was an all-nighter.

    The teens are heading off for school.

    And how long had this been here?
    Things are about to get worse.
  • ck213's avatar
    Seasoned Scout
    Okay, let's wrap this bit of opportunistic game play up.
    My sims are prepping for Uni here, and while entertaining, these spirits are really making it difficult.

    There is nothing like a night of terror to bring your sims together.
    I love the flickering slights.

    The School's administrator and counselor are out of their element with this situation.

    They turn to Cassandra who loves this spooky stuff.

    This is great, it brings a change of pace to my education game play.

    The haunting continues and Cassandra is worn out from it all.

    It seems to be escalating:

    Yeah, it's getting bad when Guidry shows up.

    Cassandra gives him a greeting before going to bed.

    Nami is too terrified to do anything about these creepy rock hands.

    Gamma shows her how it's done.

    You too!

    Gamma helps calm her down.

    Ms. Hopkins gives it a try.

    Only making it worse.

    Cassandra is their only hope.
    Time to potion up.

    A sleep replacement and a confidence potions and she is good to go.

    Plus some help from Guidry.

    That was a good session.

    Now for some clean up work.

    Uhm... better leave that one alone.

    She doesn't have the energy for another ceremony.

    But she can bring in a heavy hitter for the mess around here.


    They get a break from terror.
    The teens are at classes and the Uni students are tutoring students while they wait to return for their final two semesters.

    It's time to wrap this up.

    Cassandra has maxed the Medium skill.

    "Did that do it? Are we done? Are they gone? Is it over?"
    I love that animation.

    Yes, it's over for you guys.
    Cassandra maxed the skill and the lot is peaceful.

    All that remains is to send this spirit back to the other side.

    And reset the lot type back to plain old Residential.

    There was plenty more to do, but I need to get back to playing University.
    This was a fun diversion.
  • bshag4lv's avatar
    Seasoned Scout
    I have given up on the haunted residential, medium, specters, etc. Whenever my houses are haunted, the only thing my sim wants to do is "Attempt Communication." I mean, that's ALL they want to do. They will leave food cooking on the stove, anything they are doing they will drop to go and talk to the bleeping ghosts. When I have to fight with my sims to get them to do what they're supposed to do, I'm not having any fun; therefore I will not be playing the ghosts until they turn down the push to communicate.

    I'm glad other people are having a good time with it though! :D
  • ck213's avatar
    Seasoned Scout
    "bshag4lv;c-17908364" wrote:
    I have given up on the haunted residential, medium, specters, etc. Whenever my houses are haunted, the only thing my sim wants to do is "Attempt Communication." I mean, that's ALL they want to do. They will leave food cooking on the stove, anything they are doing they will drop to go and talk to the bleeping ghosts. When I have to fight with my sims to get them to do what they're supposed to do, I'm not having any fun; therefore I will not be playing the ghosts until they turn down the push to communicate.

    I'm glad other people are having a good time with it though! :D

    I don't remember that being a huge problem when I did a test play when the game first came out, but looking back at pictures in the picture thread, the first picture showing my test sim shows her outside talking with a spirit while eating a grilled cheese sandwich.