"emere;c-18198416" wrote:
Sorry @SimTrippy but that is not true :( I have played Sims 4 since the beginning (8 years?) and I got two vampire-alien hybrids in a 100 % Vanilla Game.
The first hybrid is still in my building testing save, so I do not care. But the second one was a tragedy: she was born in my 5 years old main save, even after a fix was patched... She was a really, really glitchy sim. To avoid any problems with my save, she died by sun... The tragedy give me a new story for her dad: my vampire was the first sim I use to play the Paranormal SP.
@sadiesue you can do a Save As of your save before your baby before it grows to a toddler, that way if you get a glitchy hybrid you can return the baby to Sixam...
What kind of glitches did you see? I’m curious how the game copes with them trying to change form. I’d like to see a vampire with alien memory erase powers though.