5 years ago
American High School
I've wanted a school pack for my kids for ages... but it sounds like what they are thinking about on the poll is not at ALL what I would look for. So now I'm wondering what others want when they s...
"Thetford;c-17480895" wrote:
One of the big issues I have with the suggestion of a school pack is that how can you make something entertaining to play yet still recognisably a school?
The difference between the university packs and a possible school one is that there is very little gameplay regarding the university itself, it is mostly go to a rabbit hole task and write a term paper, the focus has always been stuff associated with campus living: dorms, parties etc. Universities in real life tend to have limited contact hours with the focus on independent learning.
In contrast, schools are pretty much solidly contact hours, lead by a teacher. It would essentially be watching your sims watch a sim. The description makes it sound like there would be very little school activity with the focus on creating your own CW teen drama or an 80s teen film, with focus on cliques, cafeterias, and hallways rather than the classrooms themselves.
I could see it better with a playable boarding school where the focus is on a new living situation like the university packs. Such as living in dormitories and activities after the school day.