"PenguinFoop;c-18278655" wrote:
Thanks for sharing. Unfortunately, we console players can not use mods and cheats mean we lose achievements.
I have the feeling that will be the case for PC, too, in the future. I expect huge changes for the PC version of Sims 5. I played vanilla for a long time until I got hooked on finding out the absolute max that can be done with a child alone.
Are you on an editable lot with things that come with the lot, or are you entirely reliant on what you can bring in your inventory? When I am using less mods and cheats, I have to edit my worlds more.
Are you working on any aspirations while you are there? My first camping trip was entirely vanilla with a teen working on the herbalism skills. I wish I had known then about the MRE grilled cheese from Jungle Escape. Bread doesn't fill hunger for long, but it does not perish the whole week. I roasted and grilled a lot of fish and mushrooms.
Can you use debug items or is that cheating? Is the Jungle selling table debug or in the regular catalog? Is it portable? You can store food in the table almost as long as a fridge.