10 years ago
Baby Name Ideas!
Hello fellow simmers, alrighty so basically I love having big happy families on my sims, and I love to be original with names but I can't think of any. I'd love to here some of your baby name ideas...
"Scobre;13679167" wrote:
Brand name ideas and I think most of these are food related.:
Girls:Apple Barbie Clinique Dior Easy-Bake Flonase Godiva Hooters ITunes Jell-O Kotex Listerine Midol Nair Ovaltine Play-Doh Q-tips Roxy Snapple Twinkies Uno Velcro Woolite Xerox Yoplait Zenith
Boys:Atari Brawny Cheerios Dyson Etch A Sketch Fiat Gerber Hoover Iams Jockey Kodak Lunchables Manwich Nutella Oreo Pac-Man Quaker Rogaine Spam Tonka U-Haul Vicodin Windex Xbox Yahoo Ziploc