Forum Discussion

priscapup's avatar
New Spectator
6 years ago

Base Game Related Question

First, I’m old, and brain cells have started dying off at a rapid pace, so forgive me beforehand if the answer to this question is really obvious.

I have two lovely grand daughters that don’t always get along. I know, sisters. Go figure. So I made them each their own Origin account, and got them both their own The Sims 4 base game. Because grandma is a Simmer, so everyone should be, right? Now, they do have to share a computer. My question: I know I only have to install origin once, they just log in with their own account. Can I only have one install of TS4? Will it just make separate save files, or will I have to actually install the game twice?

I guess once I log in with their own account, I will know. Should have done that first, right? Just seems silly having the game dl’d twice on the same machine.

Thanks for any comments!
A true ‘grandmother’ gamer
  • If they will be using the same windows account/mac account, then I'm pretty sure they will have access to each others save files even on separate origin accounts, also only one game will be installed. However, if they both played on an individual windows/mac account, then all their files will be separate, and I'm also pretty sure only one game would be installed.
  • They do have separate windows accounts. I don’t have access to the computer right now, that is why I haven’t checked it yet, but will later this evening. Thank you, I didn’t even think about the accounts.