Forum Discussion

mightyspritesims's avatar
Rising Hotshot
2 years ago

Booth help?

Hello! Can anyone help me figure out these booths from Dine Out?
I want to make a booth with a bench on both sides and a table in the middle.

I started out with the booth-table combination (Retro Dinette Stretch Booth Collection). I get that the table needs to be 2 squares.
It comes with the table slotted into the booth seat.
I then added a second Retro Dinette Stretch booth seat.
When the table is moved around, the booth seat comes with it, like any dining chair slotted into a table. When the booth seat is moved around, the table stays put, again like any dining chair that slots into a table.

I can slot a seat into either side of the table.

But I can't slot seats into both sides of the table at once.
Here's a picture from Carl's Guide where it looks like both sides are slotted properly in. He does mention in the caption that it was a little clunky.

I don't want to just do it with moveobjects because I want sims to be able to be seated on both sides of the table.
Which is basically what a booth is for.
Anyone know how to do this?

  • Kita5399's avatar
    New Spectator
    Have you tried other tables? Carl shows a base game dining table, I know I’ve had trouble with those dine out ones in the past.
    Edit: also maybe move your light fixture, some of those can cause issues too.
  • EgonVM's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    Indeed they are possible, but really really frustrating. I don't know how I got my first one fine, but the others just wouldn't go for some unknown reason.

    Lastly, I used the bb.moveobjects cheat. It was much easier (be sure to check if the booths are attached by moving the table and seeing if both of the booths move with it). I did a little playtest and yes, sims are able to sit down just fine.

    So use bb.moveobjects cheat. Save yourself from the frustration.
  • Hi @EgonVM , That's good that they can sit down, thanks!
    I tried with moveobjects and the benches looked like they actually did slot in on both sides. I'll have to test to see if a party of four could actually be seated there by a restaurant host.