Came back to check out the update and encountered some issues too.
Took me only 10 minutes to discover that the door settings don't persist any time you zone. It's a great idea that I would love to see applied to so many things, but it's all useless if it doesn't work.
The new needs level usages seem inconsistent at times, and don't feel balanced. Had a toddler get stuck in endless tantrums because the second you calmed it down, the needs would tank super fast again. It took a million tries and was almost impossible to get them out of it.
Happy medium would be nice.
When a toddler is eating and talking to an adult at the same time, the multitasking never engages. The animations do, but the toddler will not actually eat as long as the conversation is happening. You have to cancel the conversation to get the kid to be able to eat.
Timers on food don't work. Haven't really checked beverages.
Getting cell phone off-the-grid rage when my played sim does not, and has never, lived off the grid. The game shouldn't even associate their phone use with off the grid, but it does.
The bug where Sims jump out of bed at random when the bed is placed next to a wall is back. Screwed up my tiny house floor plan. I really hate this bug, so much.
My sim is on the aspiration where they have to evolve 10 plants, and it is literally impossible. Plants don't seem to know what season they are supposed to like any more, and grow in seasons they shouldn't. But it's all sort of erratic. Seeds disappear when trying to plant, have to travel and back to get them to show back up. Plants in the garden flicker sometimes when you are shifting harvested items from inventory to fridge, and the counter that shows how many evolved plants I have achieved goes down at the same time. A few plants got to excellent for no reason, the majority have been going forever and just never seem to advance, using fish as fertilizer. It seems to be tied to things and trying to read things behind the scenes that it maybe shouldn't.
When career promotion rewards get placed in my household inventory, are they affecting my electrical usage? I know that owning stuff in general makes your bills go up, but sometimes I look at the bills and it seems like I'm getting charged more electricity too until I remember to switch into my household inventory and delete them. Since they aren't placed on the lot and aren't being used, they shouldn't, but I would like a way to know for sure that the game knows that and is treating it like it should.