Well put kirby356. Good for you that you do stand up for others when you see it happening instead of just standing there and cheering on the bully. We need more people like you in this world... :thumbup:
What you said about peoples looks don't matter, it is what is inside that does is so true. I like to say that you can take someone who is so pretty and just has all the good looks and they can still be ugly because of their attitude and how poorly they treat people. That person can be pretty but has one of those "I am better than you because I am prettier than you or I am richer than you, so there fore I am better than you" attitude. Being picked on because of my looks had taught me that, it taught me that is not the type of person I want to be. It taught me to be nice and not act all ugly towards people. I treat people the way I want to be treated. I smile at people as I walk by and say hi to them no matter how they look.
But I am with you there by saying just because it happens in real life, it doesn't need to be in the game.