Forum Discussion

Leydi_Tee's avatar
New Spectator
5 years ago

Can anyone explain this?

In a previous save, my merman, Marcelo, was abducted by aliens and impregnated with an alien life form. According to my game, the alien child is a mer-alien. I decided to speed things up a bit today because I was curious to see if she would have a tail- she does not. But this sim can use both alien and merfolk powers. Is this a bug or is this a thing 'cause I don't think I've ever seen a perfect hybrid on that level.
  • afai1261's avatar
    New Spectator
    I have two mermaid-alien hybrids (with tails) who can use both alien and mer powers

    Dolphin call

    Alien handshake

    I was able to fully edit both forms in CAS but be cautious about this since at random the 'normal' form (in this case, both alien/mermaid - i.e. Connor's blue form with tail) can change to the OTHER alien form, which I call the 'true' alien form which is normally uneditable and which often ends up without legs. These two are difficult to maintain which is to be expected as hybrids are unsupported.

    You can use these cheats to give yours a tail. It would depend on which ones your hybrid already has (I'm guessing she already has the trait_OccultMermaid trait, but she may not have the other two)
    traits.equip_trait trait_OccultMermaid_TYAE
    traits.equip_trait trait_OccultMermaid_Discovered
    after turning testingcheats on of course. In my experience it's always one of these two that are missing and you've just got to equip them and then send her swimming and hopefully she should have a tail. It's always good to be cautious regarding hybrids however.
  • every hybrid that I have ever made is fundamentally broken -- my alien mermaid had powers of both, but could not be edited in CAS because it couldn't handle trying to deal with mermaid form and alien disguise. When it went in the water the bottom half of the body disappears because it was trying to give it a mermaid form but couldn't/ It was a mess. I was bummed because I had triplets and they all had very weird glitches with them so much so that I could not play them.
  • "Sindocat;c-17446483" wrote:
    Hybrids are not supported. They are unpredictable and can break your game. So not a "bug" because cross-breeds can happen, but impossible to predict whether it will be a stable combination or break your game.

    How reassuring.
  • Thanks for the input. So I Might potentially have a game-breaking sim... Too much power for a girl child to hold. :p
  • Hey, y'all. Thanks for posting. It turns it is actually is a bug. I'll likely have to remove the mermaid trait from my sim when she gets older but I am glad to know this hasn't exactly broken my game (yet).