Can Anyone Identify This Shader Object?
I'm playing in San Sequoia and noticed this coloured glass shader object across the street (see included image). I tried finding it in Build/Buy with "showhiddenobjects" on. No dice. Does anyone know what it is and how to find it so I can use it?
Hi there
If you are looking for objects placed in a landscape, it is best to use 'bb.showliveeditobjects' code.
Enjoy your new pack.Edit & Add:
Steps to find debug items;
After you have finished to enter the code,
1-Click the chair icon in the bottom left in Build/Buy mode
2-Keep 'Show all Objects' and enter 'debug' in the seach window
3-Displayed **DEBUG** in drop window and click the **DEBUG**
Then you can search however you like, whether that be by pack or by looking through them in order.Multiple **DEBUG** may be displayed, but clicking any one of them will probably produce the same result.