Capturing Images for Your Narrative, Woes
Normally what I have done when writing about my Sims, is to simply snap away, hoping for something I can use when I write up just what happened during that gaming session. This time, haven chosen to go back in time with my Cantrell family, I have used parts from my novel, which is where this family originated. The images for Part Four, which revolves around my Original/Character in my Star Trek fanfiction, trilogy or mini-series. This requires I stage the images, to a large part. Not an easy thing for me. This time, I tried to find an appropriate house with balconies for two upcoming updates. Ended up having to built a quickie house myself. Not terribly glamorous, but it will do. Had to jump through hoops, as well.
Turns out you can't just have you Sims go there and start shooting pictures. Nope. I ended up having to designate it as a rental, only my first mistake was I selected the wrong kind of rental. I didn't want apartments! I only discovered this when I tried to have my Sims go on vacation only to find the lot wasn't ready. Since there were no recommended objects I had to have on the lot, I was naturally perplexed. I went back to the property and it showed a single unit. š Scrolled through the lot designations and finally I recalled it's a Vacation Rental. No, duh. Sometimes I amaze myself . . .
So, basically, my quickie build got a bit longer. Finally, I was able to send my Cantrell family to vacation at a 'beach house' in Tartosa. More problems. You can't swim there. I took the one Sim to Sulani to quickly snap the type of shots I needed. I thought I was back in business. Took the family on vacation. Started setting up the shots I needed and found my Sims overrun with uninvited guests of the FAN nature.
Oi. Happily, I have discovered that the Road to Fame mod can remove selected Sims to remove from lot. Doesn't have to be a fan . . . .Yeah. Now, to just finish capturing the pictures I need for the next two updates.