"darrenfroggy;c-17273058" wrote:
"JoAnne65;c-17272996" wrote:
"darrenfroggy;c-17272938" wrote:
"JoAnne65;c-17272922" wrote:
"darrenfroggy;c-17272666" wrote:
"JoAnne65;c-17272586" wrote:
"darrenfroggy;c-17272276" wrote:
I like the ideas he has for improvement. Can't say that every one of them is something that majorly annoys me (careers being too easy? doesn't feel that way to me though it's a bit of a bummer that they did away with the ideal mood part for them) but the possible solutions are well thought out.
The only thing about the video that bugged me a bit was towards the end. I'm sure it wasn't his deliberate goal but when he talked about the parts of the game that he feels got more attention in TS4, it came across a lot like pitting players against each other. Bringing up things like "groups that are louder than others" isn't going to do much good in general. Or telling people they need to realize that other players want something else. That part, imo, was unnecessary. Especially since he then goes on to say: well, people who are loud have wants I don't share. I bet the vast majority of people feel that way anyway. To me, the loudest people I've seen want things like story progression and the game having more impact on what happens, which is something I don't care for but he does seem to. So it's hard to figure out who really is the loudest voice in the room. (and it's probably none of the obvious ones).
What I absolutely 100% support is his suggestion on adding options for the game to let people adjust the gameplay difficulty and give them more control over those things. There's no way to make the game perfect for everyone at the same time without giving us all the options to set it up to suit our needs because the player needs are so different across the community.
Funny, because I actually felt very much supported in that part of his video (and I’m not even part of such a group; I love building, I love storytelling and I love gameplay, I really divide my time in that respect, in Sims 3 that is). The way I interpreted it, is that what he means there is: the fact you are happy with the game the way it is doesn’t mean you’re right. And that is very much the atmosphere, at least on these forums. Don’t like the game? Well I love it so go play something else, bye bye. For me that’s exactly the attitude he adresses here in a very respectful, friendly manner. And that attitude very much needs to get some attention, because it’s not Carl who’s pitting players against each other. Players are doing that themselves, constantly.
The thing is, I didn't say he's creating the issue. And it's very much not just on one side (players who are happy with how the game is currently have been equally dismissed on the forums and elsewhere, regardless of whether they also support additions and changes to the game or not).
The way he pointed it out is just making it worse, imo. I get his point, it just missed the mark for me.
It's probably the wording and mentioning the whole "those who shout the loudest" thing combined with "they want things different to what I want". It just comes across as "we need to shout over them now" which tends to lead to shouting matches and no one winning in the end.
Both the extreme sides of all this are wrong: the ones who think the game is perfect (as I said, that's impossible in general, it can only be "perfect" for a section of players at a time as it is at the moment) and tell others to go find something else, as well as those who aren't happy and dismiss those who don't hate the game as brainwashed and similar (there's an equal amount of those in the community). And Carl's video only mentioned one side of all this properly (he wasn't wrong, I didn't say he was, it was just supporting one angle only, the way it felt to me).
Not sure how fans of this game are dismissed? It’s perfectly ok to say that you love Sims 4, nobody will tell you to please go away with that opinion. I can’t count the numerous times people here told me literally that. He most definitely doesn’t say “we need to shout over them now”. Quite an achievement to sense any agressive tone in his video in the first place, the guy is all friendliness and respect. The problem is, that any bit of criticism towards Sims 4, also constructive criticism (and this video is very constructive, from the beginning to the end) for some apparently feels like they’re being dismissed themselves. They’re not, the criticism only concerns the game, not the people who play (and like) it.
Those who enjoy the game as it is are told, not infrequently on these forums, they’re brainwashed and manipulated by EA and naive. That is (as I did point out) equally as not okay as players being told to stop playing. There have been plenty of times when I felt uncomfortable saying I like something about the game for that very reason (and I’m far from the kinda player who’s in the “nothing needs to be changed or added” group.)
I didn’t say anything about him being aggressive, I don’t know where you’re getting that bit. And yes, I agree that his video is very constructive and well thought out.
I remember one ‘brainwash’ comment that was taken all out of proportion. Nobody said people were brainwashed at that occasion, people turned a comment into that. I can’t imagine such an accusation would be ok with forum rules in the first place. As for being manipulated: we’re all being manipulated, that’s called marketing. There’s no shame in that, it happens to all of us. To be dismissed, meaning asked (told) to shut up and go away, that treatment is for Sims 4 critics only. Like someone suggesting this section should only be allowed for simmers who like and play Sims 4 and own all packs (not making that one up). I’ve been literally told to “go back to your Sims 3” not so long ago, people are being told to find another game, hobby, move on, whenever they dare to criticize the game. At one occasion even straight forward telling us we must have miserable lives. Sorry but he’s definitely got a point in relation to constructive criticism and Sims 4.
There was at least one instance when a mod on here stepped in because they felt it wasn't blown out of proportion and was most definitely against forum rules.
Two things I'm saying: it's not exclusively people who have constructive criticism who are being dismissed (which I have said several times I don't think is acceptable or okay) and that the majority of those who are currently happy with the game and enjoy what it contains already do realize that what suits them might not suit others.
Those two things are why I don't think Carl's comments quite hit the mark compared to the very insightful rest of the video.
There are bad faith actors on both sides. Where there's a dismissal of constructive criticism regarding TS4, there's an equal amount of dismissal of enjoyment of the game. It's just worded differently. Dismissal isn't just "go away", it's also "there's no way anyone can genuinely enjoy the game" (which might not be a direct quote but a sentiment I have seen more than once).
I found the post (if it’s the one you’re referring to), @CK213 had put that comment
into the right context there. There’s no point in redoing that discussion though, because it’s completely not Carl’s point who is being the meanest or most dismissive to whom. The community is divided, that’s a given.
The point is: criticism towards Sims 4 is justified, also when you love the game. Criticism towards Sims 4 is justified, also when you don’t play the game anymore. Because there’s a reason people don’t play this version anymore and that reason I can assure you is not that they’re tired of the game. Advising those people to go play the old games, often presented as a solution, is not constructive and only an attempt to silence those who love this franchise but are having valid issues with this latest version.
Why do they indeed still play those older versions, for what reasons. And whether those reasons apply to you or not, that group of simmers has every right to be heard, their reasons and their feedback matters and I’m really glad to finally see someone, a gamechanger, acknowledging that.
I really think that’s his only point there: listen guys, the fact we express what we think is wrong with this game doesn’t mean we think it’s impossible to enjoy it, it means it can mainly be enjoyed when you’re a storyteller. But other types of players like to be catered too.