@DMDCT said:
Here's a list of the packages I'm using at the moment and I'm sure it'll be similar for your setup:
Oh wow, thanks a ton for this advice DMDCT! This is ABSOLUTE GOLD.
But on the topic of clubs again, I'm very very thankful to *everyone* here who's given such great ideas. I've only been playing this game for, I dunno, maybe 2 months now? So much to learn!!! Catching Clement Frost on fire on my first Winterfest, hoping to Dear Lord that I can keep my toddlers fed and skilled before they become kids, wondering why Nancy Landgraab continues to visit for the seemingly-sole purpose of doing nose-dives off my diving board and into my pool... Trying to keep every sim fed while at the same time refraining from getting *yet another glass of water*.... And then, the mods, wow... so many, offering so much in terms of gameplay and general fixes... I barely had any time yet to really get into clubs.
So this thread has been *perfect*! Thank you people! Nice to meet you all as well.