Yeah, I use TONS of CC because vanilla furniture is often uninspiring. Like, very oddly shapped and oversized. I override things left and right, lol.
If you're new to CC, I recommend downloading
Sims 4 Studio right away since it lets you do batchfixes to old cc to avoid getting glitches. Just do all the batchfixes (content management -> batchfixes) when you're done downloading and you should be alright. You can also use it for recoloring, which is very easy to do. Then you can recolor existing furniture into pretty matching sets, like this
nice set by Simplistic.
If you're new to CC, start slow and keep everything organized in folders so you can find things later. I also highly reccomend getting Sims
4 Tray Importer which lets you basically open any saved lot or room from your library in it and see a list of all the custom content in it. It's good for sorting and getting rid of stuff. Like, things you don't want you can put in a room, save, and then delete the items you see in the tray importer.
Start out with
Brazenlotus's stuff. She separates game objects so everything is maxis match and low poly. I love using all the clutter to decorate rooms and make them much more realistic and messy :D For example, her s
eparated beds and mattresses lets you chose the bed frame and matress you want separately, so coordinating is much easier.
oh and for placing stuff anywhere, I also recommend using
Severinka's OMSP set. You can use it with MOO and and the alt key to easily put stuff on objects at the correct height.
If this all seems like a lot, don't worry, it's not hard and it opens up SO MANY possibilities. TS4 is a beautiful game, and CC can make it truly beautiful <3
Here's a couple pics of my current house. Very cute and maxis match :)
if you have any questions, you can always ask me :D I love cc and am happy to help you any way I can :)