> @Finvola said:
> I use a mod to stop them from generating completely. Or if it's somewhere like Selvadorada, I'll allow natives to spawn and then put the mod back in to prevent more from generating so I'll only have what's necessary to fill those roles.
> Sometimes I'll make my own homeless sims and have them fill NPC roles or give them the traits/skills needed to fill specific ones. NPCs will still generate despite my best efforts. I have a save file that's mostly based in Sulani. It's my main household and their friends/family living there. They went to the local bar and 14 NPCs generated just for the role of Sulani Barfly over the course of a couple of hours. I'm like "Why?" What is the point of that when I have plenty of my own sims to fill the bar and create an atmosphere?
> There is absolutely no need for that many NPCs to spawn for every role or situation. Stopping them from generating (almost) entirely is what works for me.
Can you send me a link to the mod? it sounds very useful!