Forum Discussion

thatsme_ever's avatar
5 years ago

Discover University Challenge Ideas

Hey, fellow Simmers!

Since I don't own Discover University yet, I would like to start a thread with ideas regarding "let's play" challenge ideas that I can include to my game when it's finally in my hands.

Here are a few of mine:

1) Rags to Riches (Uni Edition) - Something like James Turner did on his channel, but I'd like it to be a fuller household with at least 3 Sims.
2) Single Mom/Dad - Quite easy to understand, create a Sim who is single and non-pregnant at the beginning of the challenge and move on from there, of course if you play with a female Sim you'll have to move off-campus.
3) Full Househould, Full Terms! - Play an 8-Sim househould with full terms for each and every one of your Sims! Talking about stress, right?
4) Ghost Students! - Play with a household full of ghosts.
5) Brilliance... Here I Come! - Try to get all degrees with only one Sim before they reach Adulthood (harder) or Elderhood (hardest).

Feel free to discuss your own ideas and add on mine, these are only first drafts after all and I need to edit them before my final exam, a.k.a the game itself, get it? ;) I'll add more information when I begin doing them myself. Happy Simming!
  • This challenge is called distinguished Legacy Challenge

    So I thought of a really cool challenge for the Sims 4 university make ur sim that is a founder girl or boy doesn’t matter have your sim be a young adult after your founder is a younger adult make sure that they have the university degree trait after that have a university degree trait you cannot use any cheats you cannot use any mods that enable you to get money have your SIM apply for university under scholarships and student loans

    Before applying for university have your Sim study hard to earn a distinguished degree in a field that you want them to major in.

    Once in university have your SIM complete all the necessary tasks in order to graduate the goal is to have your sim graduate with a distinguished degree in their own field.

    Before the sim reaches elder stages. Once the sim is in their Sophomore year of school you have to choose a random mishap to happen to your sim

    List of random mishap

    1.death someone close to u dies
    2.get pregnant
    3. Failed a class
    4. Move off campus
    5. Get a new roommate
    6. Go on a spending frizzy spend all money away until u have 0 dollars ( can’t sell the items until u are a graduate/ put in safe if u have get famous safe)
    7. Get pregnant by a random stranger
    8. Get a new bf/( if have a bf/gf dump them for someone new)
    9. Get a devoice
    10. Quit job

    After your Sim has graduated sophomore year and is now a junior you spend the miss fortune wheel again

    But this time you spend for mishap as well as Fortune.

    List of fortune

    1.get a another spin
    2. Earn 1000 dollars saving yard stuff gain 1000 dollars.
    3. Investment open up gain 2,500 dollars
    4. You dodged a bullet u can kick out a roommate.( if u have one)
    5. U just been rewarded a support animal / u can buy a dog or cat or animal to support u in ur stressful time ( price of animal is free )
    6. U just been awarded a laptop pick on out will cover the cost
    7. Time for a vacation take a vacation on us
    8. If u behind in bills will cover for u
    9. Pay urself 250
    10. Grand prize u just won the mega scar off collect 10,000

    After junior year you move onto your senior year this time you spend for two fortunes and one mishap

    After you have completed all your classes in your in your senior year and you’re ready to graduate your Sim to now take all the money that they have stored in there safe as well as move on to another town when you choose your house to live in it Hass to be an empty lot as well as the fact it Hass to be big enough to support a legacy family.

    You get to spend one fortune no mishaps and one mega fortune

    List of mega fortune

    1. New job start off fresh
    2. Get married (if ur already married collect 4,000
    3. Oh go into debt start off with zero dollars
    5. Mega mega fortune win $25,000
    6. Oops guess you didn’t win anything

    Now you get to play the game as a regular legacy family this time you start with their new hair to the family and you send them off to college when they enter their adult young adult life

    You continue on the cycle and keep spinning at each different stage in their life until you end up with a tree of 5 Legacy Sims.

    When the challenge is over you get to look at your new Legacy family that is not only distinguish but also great.

    Extra tips and rules

    If your sims dies before completing the challenge you can have their Offspring complete it for them but you must put their Sim in a graveyard on the home lot.

    You cannot play with adopted babies as hairs only bloodline

    Absolutely no cheating

    Whenever you need to add money to the game just use testing cheats enable true and money parentheses the amount that you want to add

    When your family is completing each year of freshman sophomore junior senior they must take a family portrait before moving onto the next year

    Portraits must be display in their final legacy home after the challenge is completed in the order of the Sims that completed it
  • Ok so, this got me thinking and Ive come up with a University Generations challenge with different rules

    1. Your starting young adult Sim (male or female) is still living with their parents as they are not financially stable enough to do anything, so your parents have agreed to pay for your education under the condition that you do exceptionally well in all your classes, one parent is an elder and retired and the other an adult with whatever career you choose (not a GTW career or actor).

    2. Your university Sim MUST have the Academic Aspiration, their traits are completely up to you, try to make them correlate with the university degree you want to go for.

    3. Find out what you want your sim to study, once you have figured that out increase the skill needed for that subject until they're eligible for a distinguished degree, (level 3 - 10)

    Once all the requirements have been met you can have your sim apply for university, when you receive the acceptance letter, choose the university with the distinguished degree of your choosing, you can only continue if you are eligible for a distinguished degree, if not, you'll have to increase your skills and apply later on.

    4. Have your Sim move out of their parents home and into the dorms during their education, their focus is completely on school, if they don't get the best grades their parents will not continue to pay for their education.

    Weekends will be spent:
    - studying
    - catching up on homework
    - visiting parents
    - mingling
    - partying
    - making friends (and even a bit of romance)

    Of course, homework is top priority-

    5. Eventually, your Sim will have finished university and graduated, hopefully with honours because that is the goal, now is time for your Sim to get a job affected by their degree.
    6. Once your Sim has successfully landed the job, the money should come rolling in.


    For the generations part of this let's play, your Sim needs a romantic interest, it is preferred that, for the sake of storyline your bachelor or bachelorette has a relationship with someone they met in university or someone who was in the same dorms.

    Obviously, time will pass by and your Sims will start a family including adorable children.

    - must have A-level elementary grades
    - must have A-level highschool grades
    - at least the oldest, must go to university for a study of your choosing (if you want to go extreme, all the children should attend university)

    requirements for generations:
    - must have an aspiration and traits that mix with their university degree
    - must go into the distinguished degree
    - SHOULD graduate with honours

    If you are playing with vampires:
    - your parents will not have the sun safe perk
    - you will need the perk that makes you able to be in the sunlight without burning, you cannot go to university until you have this perk
    - you can only attend university once (dude you're immortal don't be greedy)
    - you cannot turn anyone attending the university into vampires, including professors

    Playing with mermaids:
    - literally no change in rules

    Playing with spellcasters:
    - if you drink the immortality potion you can only attend university once

    Other than that, for each generation all rules stay the same and carry on to the next.

    The challenge has been completed when every aspiration, degree and career has been chosen at least once.

  • Seek Greek:

    Sims 4 Discover University Challenge.

    This challenge is for anyone looking for a non-academically focused experience.

    Starting out your founder sim (male or female) must enroll in either university (Major doesn't matter), and live on campus in the dorms (this is only for the first year!).

    Your first goal is to pledge a house, here you will choose your “greek family” by applying to join the invite only clubs that you’ll have already created prior to starting this challenge. (I’ve listed the requirements under Pre-challenge world modifications.)
    Pledge one, or pledge them all it’s up to you the only restriction is your gender of choice! This will keep you from being able to join a Frat as a girl or a Sorority as a boy.

    Pledging can be as difficult or as simple as you’d like but you can not start out already being a part of the club.
    Once you join a club, your real story can begin. This experience will take you 12 terms to graduate and you can only take one course each term. (Good news is this will make it plenty easy for you to pass!!)

    Freshman Year(terms 1-4) : Living on campus in the dorm, you're exposed to other people outside of the greek life. So make friends, enemies or even love connections outside of the world you're trying to enter. Or you can choose to spend all your free time with your future greek family. The only stipulation is that your sim must attend all greek life events, and start to make connections.
    Sophomore Year (terms 5-9): You’ll move into the clubhouse, which means your world outside of greek life gets reduced to in class interactions, and possible invites to maintain connections from last year. (Your sim will likely lose a few friends, because your schedule is gonna be kinda crazy.) You’ll have to help plan all greek life events, and you’ll still be expected to attend everything, but now you’ve got to play by house rules. That means their friends/ enemies are yours too!
    Additionally you must choose at least one of the following tasks to complete:
    Date one of the “presidents”
    Woohoo with a whole house (yes this does mean everyone, including ones who are in a relationship. Even if their SO is one of your brothers/sisters.)
    Get elected president of the club. (This would be a very early win for your greek sim.)
    “Everybody loves ____” Become the sims that everyone knows and adores.

    Junior Year(10th and 11th terms) : Depending on the task you chose to accomplish in Sophmore year you’ll now have to choose one of the following.
    If you choose to date one of the presidents, you’ll have to break up.
    Break up scenarios:
    They cheated (~le gasp~), now you have to get revenge!
    Wait, you're the one who cheated? (OooooOo who did you cheat with?) Too bad you got caught! Are you gonna try to win them back or enjoy being single?
    Neither of you cheated (Wowwww good for you goodie-two-shoes), but you just don't feel the same anymore.
    If you choose to woohoo a whole house, you have to get caught. (Good luck, I hope you didn't sleep with someone else's SO!)
    Elected Pres? Cool! Now you’re in charge of inviting new people to fill in the empty spots in the house and maintaining relationships!
    Everybody loves, now everybody hates. (What did you do?)

    Senior Year (12th term): Your real life is about to start! Time to tidy up any past mistakes, and find yourself a long term SO if that's what you want. But you’ve got five business days to fix whatever it is you broke, or don’t who cares! Good Luck!

    What you will need:
    The Sims 4 Get Together
    The Sims 4 Discover University
    The Sims 4 Seasons for Calendar System
    Mods you need: GOOGLE SEARCH
    LittleMsSams Choose a Roommate mod
    MC Command Center
    No Dorm Restrictions by Zerbu (Optional)

    Pre-challenge World Modifications:

    Create some Fraternities and Sororities.
    Your game must have at least three of each type per college.*Total of Six* This will offer diversity in experiences, and increase potential “in-game” possabilities To do this you’ll need:
    Gender restricted houses.
    Male Houses = Fraternities
    Female Houses = Sororities

    Establish “clubs” * Only one “club” per house.* (These are your Geek houses!):
    It’s important to note that only members of the club are allowed to move into their club-house. *This means no significant others moving in!*
    These houses can be anywhere in the world since sims 4 doesn’t require your sims to live in Britechester to attend university.(I would suggest using Newcrest since it offers the most options for empty lots.)
    Be sure that the name of the house and the club are the same!

    Creating a club: Players can create a club in which the selected Sim will become the leader. The player can choose the club's name, club symbol, description and requirements for Sims who join the club. After this, the player can select what activities club members can do, a preferred club activity and an activity which club members are not supposed to do. This can all be customized from a menu that pops up when creating a club.
    Requirements: Players can set requirements for a club such as age, career, marital status, financial status, traits and skills +2 level. These requirements block out anyone who doesn't meet the requirements from joining the club.
    Club Activities: Here is a list of activities the player can choose as encouraged or shunned activities for a club. You must choose a total of 10 (5 good, and 5 bad). *Each Greek house should have at least two different good and bad values from every other house.

    Hangouts: When creating a club or a Sim is leader of a club, the player can choose where the club hangout is. This is the place where Sims within the club will go to during gatherings. Players can select a lot for club hangouts in three ways: selecting none will make all club members come to the lot the leader is on, selecting a specific location allows for the player to select any lot from any world as their hangout, and finally general venues allows for the player to make the club hangout at any community lot. (Default hangout should be the Greek house, but it doesn't have to be.)
    Club perks: When Sims are gathering as a club, every Sim that does the activities the club prefers will gain club points as long as the gathering is happening. With these club points players can purchase new club perks which can help do many things, such as give a certain mood to all members while gathering, make the club hated or loved on first meeting, purchase new unique handshakes, boost skills etc. (Take advantage of these! It will be helpful to play a little while with the clubs to build them up.)

    Greek Holidays:
    Greek Week is a one week period in April where students in Greek organizations participate in programs and events that celebrate the values of the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life. (This means your spring week should be full of fun events/ Parties that will have your sim running around with little to no time for sleep or school.)
    Must have events * One per sim week:
    FORMAL/SEMI-FORMAL: The ultimate sorority event is a formal. It's like Homecoming, but without the inherent awkwardness of high school.
    SOCIAL: Your chapter might join up with a fraternity/sorority to have a social with a certain theme, like "Hawaiian Luau" or "Cowboys and Indians." There are also grab-a-dates, where instead of hanging out with a specific house, you can bring whoever you want as your date.
    SISTER/BROTHERHOOD: A retreat/event solely for you and your house members—no other sororities or fraternities are involved. Example: a sleepover or a trip.
    CHAPTER: This one's pretty simple. "Chapter" just refers to your sorority/ fraternity meeting, during which you'll plan upcoming events and discuss any issues within the chapter.(This could just be a second in house bonding event where your sim works on homework with others. While you (the player) plan more parties!)

    Make it Messy:Okay let’s be honest Greek life on any campus is full of drama! It’s a blast, but it’s also kind of like stumbling across a reality tv show, or even accidentally making your way to Messytok. Super entertaining but probably doesn't feel the best for the people involved. So your goal here is to set up as much preexisting in-game drama as you can. That means making friends, enemies and dating life drama! (The MC Command Center should be pretty helpful with this step; try out this command rel_set John Smith Jane Doe, which will prompt A UI dialog to pop-up allowing which relationship to define between the two Sims.)