As a very unflirty asexual person, I must say I'm not the biggest fan of the Unflirty trait, as it takes up an entire 1/3 of the personality trait slots. That's too much.
I wish there was a system in place for like... identity traits, which didn't take up any slots and were just kinda there as a part of the sim's identity and affected their behavior a little, but unfortunately that's not a thing, and the closest we have is "reward traits".
But eh, I guess it's still something. I also don't like how it's portrayed as if romancing these sims is meant to be a "challenge". And how it even makes hugging awkward. I don't speak for everyone, but I actually love hugs. I do not consider them romantic at all.
So I don't use that trait for my ace sims. Instead I just play them normally, while avoiding the romance interactions and the flirty mood. Which is harder than you'd think, especially when there's a TV around.
Besides that, I do appreciate the representation that does exist in this game! Especially the gender stuff. And the wide variety of pride flags included in the base game. It's really nice.