The very fact Rachel and Lucy called it a time management, soap opera game and not a life Simulation game tells me when even the heads of the studio can't see it as a life Simulation game, then it has no business being called Sims 4 and being passed off to us as Sims 4. Sims 1,2, and 3 were Life Simulation games - there was no question about it. On top of that they were entertaining just as a base game to a very broad audience - just in the base game - each had a WOW factor - but they each at least included something for all types of players in the game - whats more not one of THEM were about what was missing in the base game.
Shoot they thought so little of the Life Simulation side of the game in Sims 4, they felt the focus on other things were more important then the life stages - they said so. There were no ghost stage, no individuality spent on the various life stage (but ya and child) - never mind removing the toddlers we had in the game for the last 10 years - they did not even have ghosts - still do not have cemeteries or anyway to manage the dead. No memories system - no we get a scrape book for memories - and even the Devs seemed surprised we were upset over no family tree - as one even admitted they did not even think of it. HELLO!!!!! This is a life Simulation Games last I looks you type in Simulation games and we get the Sims series games - so yes - as a part of the Sims series, as a life simulation game - major PHAIL!!!! They should have Headlined it and kept it at what it seems best at - at being what the department heads called it - a Time Management Soap Opera - and like all the side games for pc they all ran good on low end pcs. In this day and age - most companies move their top level games to better graphics, newer technology - I don't see EA making the new Star Trek or Battlefield or any of their newest top games on this same low level of technology. You want to play those games - you best invest in your computer if you plan to fully enjoy them. They are in our same price range - so why do we not get the same quality.
Other EA series - they don't go and completely wipe out the whole format and turn the games from one kind of game and make it something unlike it was previously - no they take that format and make it into a higher technical savvy version fitting of the next step up in that series. Most games in series are done like that. I have played many series and I know it. From the introduction of Sims 4 the first thing many of us said - is this is not a Sims series game.
So as a life simulation, part of the Sims series - it is a big failure. As a side game - The Sims Soap Opera - must be pretty good and appeals to people who like that kind of thing - I just know Sims series does not ever have ghosts culled, incest with family members and even children, the added after the fact family trees wiped out due to culling - maybe a soap opera does - I don't know I don't watch them - so for that probably isn't a fail - but it will never be the 4th rendition of our beloved Sims series. That much I can assure you.