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5 years ago
Trait Comparison Chart - Part 2
Insane (Erratic)
The Sims 3
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The Sims 4
Loves Outdoors
The Sims 3
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The Sims 4
The Sims 3
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The Sims 4
The Sims 3
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The Sims 4
The Sims 3
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The Sims 4
The Sims 3
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The Sims 4
Dislikes (Hates) Children
Commitment Issues
Insane (Erratic)
The Sims 3
When choosing clothes, the Sim picks randomly and the outfit may be unsuitable or inappropriate. Examples include showing up to a drowned Sim's funeral in swimwear or going to a serious meeting in a clown costume.
Sim makes decisions on a whim.
Sim's wishes may not always make sense.
Provides a bonus to Sims writing in the Auto-Biography genre.
Insane Sims can rummage through neighbor's trash cans.
Player Notes
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The Sims 4
When choosing clothes, the Sim picks randomly and the outfit may be unsuitable or inappropriate. Examples include showing up to a drowned Sim's funeral in swimwear or going to a serious meeting in a clown costume.
Sim makes decisions on a whim.
Sim's wishes may not always make sense.
Provides a bonus to Sims writing in the Auto-Biography genre.
Insane Sims can rummage through neighbor's trash cans.
Player Notes
- An insane Sim's response to a marriage proposal will be random and not based on relationship level.
- Insane Sims are not affected by ghosts.
- Insane Sims can talk to themselves to fill both the social and fun motives, alleviating both the "Lonely" and "Stressed Out" moodlet.
- Insane Sims can create distorted paintings using Paint Stylized Still-Life.
- Insane Sims will autonomously sit on a toilet or in a bathtub without using it.
- The "Speak Madness" social interaction will creep-out non-insane Sims but will entertain other Sims with the insane trait, and give out a bonus in relationship the first time if the Sims have not found each other's insane Trait (and mark it as discovered). It takes a very high relationship at best friend level to get a sane Sim to react positively to the said interaction.
- Like childish Sims, an insane Sim can gain fishing skill while fishing in the pool. However they will not catch any fish.
- Insane Sims are prone to randomly insulting or arguing with other Sims for little reason. Insane Sims can be friendly otherwise. The friendly trait prevents them from doing this at all.
- Insane Sims autonomously consume fruits from the inventory even when not hungry, often yielding the "Stuffed" moodlet.
- If the World Adventures expansion pack is installed, insane Sims will always wear sleeping clothes when travelling to a destination world.
- Insane Sims will cheer for the Emperor of Evil, unless they have a trait such as the good trait which will have the opposite effect.
- If an insane Sim has suffered a romantic betrayal or break up, they may end up taking out their frustration on another Sim at random instead of their cheating/former romantic interest.
- Insane Sims strangely never autonomously use "Fight!" interactions - even if they are mean spirited, evil or hot-headed. They may still slap Sims for a dare if they use the "Watch This!" interaction from the daredevil trait. They may also start using "Fight!" interactions if they have suffered a romantic betrayal or break up.
- Wishes from insane Sims may not always make any sense, and may not even be fulfillable. For example, they might wish to steal an item, while lacking the kleptomaniac trait.
- Insane Sims may exercise and/or go on computers while at parties, giving the "Rude Guest" moodlet to the host, unless the insane Sim in question has the inappropriate trait.
- Insane Sims may get the wish simply to go out at random.
- With the Pets expansion pack installed, insane Sims may sometimes act like one of the major pet animals.
- There is a glitch with the insane trait. With the Pets expansion pack, an insane child may start stretching because there is no animation for kids doing the "Acting like a horse" action.
- Interestingly, the "Talk About Conspiracies" interaction will be considered friendly, and it will usually be received positively. On a side note, the "Catch Anything?" interaction will allow the Sim to discover if the target Sim has the angler trait, and if so, give a bonus to the relationship.
- When swimming or exercising, Sims may choose other clothes types.
- If Sims have both the Insane and never nude trait, they may take showers and baths in their everyday clothes, formal wear, etc.
- Insane Sims act nervously while swimming, but they do not suffer any ill-effects like hydrophobic Sims do.
- If the Supernatural expansion pack is installed, Sims with the insane trait will get the "Lunacy" moodlet during a full moon.
- Insane witches may autonomously cast ice blast on plumbing, breaking them in the process.
- Insane Sims tend to perform their "catch and eat invisible fly" animation when something unfortunate occurs to a nearby Sim.
- Much like neurotic Sims, insane Sims may "Look Through Window". This interaction can only be performed autonomously, and boosts their fun motive slightly.
- Insane Sims may sometimes have a warped expression, even if they're in a good mood.
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The Sims 4
The Sims 3
- Throughout life, this Sim will be prone to swiping others' things. It's genetic!
- Sim can return stolen objects to their rightful owners via the mailbox, resulting in a positive 'Returned Stolen Property' moodlet. They may even wish to do this action immediately after the theft.
Player Notes
- You can click the Swipe Items interaction close to something and your Sim might steal the intended object. It will then appear in the family inventory or the Sim's inventory
- Kleptomaniacs can only swipe three items per day without mods or hacks.
- Kleptomaniacs can swipe some items from community lots. Kleptomaniacs are able to swipe a car parked at the stadium, but won't be able to swipe paintings from the art gallery or a barbeque grill at a park.
- If a Sim is caught swiping an object, they will be kicked out immediately and the relationship with the Sim who caught the kleptomaniac will drop severely.
- Sims with this trait can only swipe items between 7pm and 6am.
- Kleptomaniacs can swipe items from outside a house even if they have not been invited to go in. To be able to steal from the inside, the sim has to be invited in.
- The maximum value of the item a kleptomaniac is able to swipe is determined by this formula: Career level X 350.
- Sims with this trait can swipe any movable object, no matter how big. However, there are some items that a kleptomaniac won't be able to swipe (see list below).
- In The Sims 3 for console, Sims with the kleptomaniac trait are able to steal from the inside of community lots, unlike the PC version.
- Most maids and babysitters have the kleptomaniac trait, but the trait is more likely to appear on Sims that are generated later in the game to replace old ones.
- Kleptomaniacs may autonomously swipe objects without the player's control in between 7pm and 6am as long as there are no other Sims nearby.
- Kleptomaniacs will occasionally steal small items and paintings from work or school, which will then be placed in the family inventory. The player can choose to place the items around the home or sell them for money. There will be no notice from the game when they do this, and sometimes they may steal useless items such as bowls when eating inside the bistro lot. This works differently to the "stash tinket" scenario if any Sim was working in the Evil or Thief branches of the criminal career, as the kleptomaniac may even steal small items while working in a more innocent career such as professional sports.
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The Sims 4
Loves Outdoors
The Sims 3
- Sims with this trait are always in a better mood when outside, as they will they receive the 'One with Nature' positive moodlet (+20) when they stay outside for at least 15 minutes. The moodlet will last until they go back indoors.
- Sims with this trait will perform outdoor skills such as fishing and gardening better than most other Sims.
- Sims who love the outdoors perform better in the athletic, science and military careers.
- Sims who love the outdoors have a 10% lower chance of suffering from allergies.
- Sims with this trait receive 'Stir Crazy' moodlet faster than other Sims when they remain inside for a long time.
- Sims who love the outdoors prefer to watch the fishing and gardening channels on the television.
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The Sims 4
The Sims 3
- Sim will always clean up messes they have made.
- Sim actually has fun while cleaning, and the objects will be cleaner than normal.
- Sims will clean even while being in a bad mood.
- Sims will clean the entire house following a single prompt.
- NPCs with this trait are attracted to the following lot assignments: Laundromat .
- Sim cannot use dirty objects.
- Sim will clean up without you telling them to.
- Player Notes
- Neat Sims will have more potent negative moodlets from being in dirty rooms.
- Neat Sims will always wash their hands after using a toilet if there is a sink nearby.
- Neat Sims receive wishes to clean certain parts of the house.
- When staying over at another household, waking up from sleeping in a bed may cause the "Rude Guest" upon the host Sim(s) as the guest Neat Sim will always make the bed.
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The Sims 4
The Sims 3
- Sim makes messes, but that's just fine. Sim won't feel any differently about the surroundings...
- Sim can lick a plate clean to satisfy hunger.
- Sim will have no problem eating spoiled or burnt food! It's good.
Player Notes
- Sim cannot gain the Dirty, Filthy, or Vile surroundings moodlets.
- Objects used by slobby Sims get dirtier more often.
- Sim will slam down their food gluttonously while eating.
- After a shower, sim might leave a puddle of water on the floor.
- Grungy moodlet negatively affects sims with this trait, while the smelly moodlet does not.
- NPCs and inactive sims with this trait will not visit the following lot assignments: Laundromat
- Sims fart/belch sometimes.
- Sims with the Slob trait will make out with kissing booth attendants callously when asking to be kissed. The attendant will angrily wave their arms as if attempting to escape, and exclaim disagreeably with the Slob Sim.
- Sims will never get nauseous from dumpster diving.
The Sims 4
The Sims 3
- Snobs love to gloat and boast about their possessions and achievements.
- Snobs will always react positively to compliments.
- Snobs will get positive moodlets when purchasing expensive things.
- Snobs will get the "I am Beautiful" moodlet when looking in the mirror.
- Snobs are more likely to wish for money-related goals.
- Snobs often wish to befriend rich Sims.
- NPCs with this trait are attracted to the following lot assignments: Big Shop & Little Shop (not used in the game)
- Unlike most other Sims, who tend to get along well if they share a common trait, if two snobs encounter one another, they are more likely to dislike one another, as they tend to reject other Sims' "Boast about..." interactions. Both snobs think that they are the best and hate anyone else believing that they are the best.
- Snobs will be more descriptive when describing the taste of nectar.
- Snobs will actually get along with easily impressed Sims, as easily impressed Sims are more accepting of boasting interactions, and there's nothing a snob loves more than admiration. The same goes for schmoozers, as snobs will never turn down a compliment.
- Snobs that own the same type of furniture with one being more expensive than the other will tend to use the more expensive one.
- If a snob is viewing art, they are more likely have an unimpressed reaction.
- If a snob buys an inexpensive item from the consignment store they will get the "Feeling Cheap" moodlet.
- A snob will react more negatively to eating morsels.
- A snob will often wish to "Talk About Self" to Sims they've just met, or upon discovering that another Sim shares the snob trait.
- Snobs will sometimes wish to make new outfits for themselves using the dresser.
- A snob will react negatively to the "Worry about Money" interacton unless they also have the frugal trait.
- Snobs will receive more potent negative moodlets from being in dirty rooms, much like neat Sims. They will even autonomously complain about a slob's behavior.
- Snobs will receive stronger moodlets from being in well-decorated rooms, especially if said room contains a mirror.
- Snobs will often wish to buy mirrors and other expensive items, which can provide plenty of lifetime happiness points if the snob has an ample source of disposable financial income.
- Snobs prefer to watch the shopping channel on the television.
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The Sims 4
The Sims 3
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The Sims 4
- Vegetarians live longer than other Sims.
- Vegetarians will get disgusted and nauseous from eating meat.
- Vegetarians prefer to watch the gardening channel on the television.
Player Notes
- A household with at least one member with the vegetarian trait can prepare vegetarian cuisine.
- Vegetarian vampires must consume plasma fruit or plasma juice from the fridge. Drinking from other Sims will make them nauseous.
- Vegetarians won't have problems eating produce such as eggs and cheese.
- This trait does not conflict with the angler trait, even though Vegetarians become nauseous from eating fish.
- Simmunity lifetime reward makes vegetarians immune from being sick by eating meat. Vegetarians will still get the "Disgusted" moodlet however.
- Here's a list of vegetarian alternative dishes which are fine for vegetarians to eat:
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The Sims 4
The Sims 3
- Family-oriented Sim's interactions with family members will have better results.
- These Sims enjoy tending to the needs of babies and toddlers more than other Sims, even if it means a bit (or a lot) of stress.
- A Sim is better at teaching toddler skills like learning how to walk, talk, and use the potty chair, than other Sims without the trait. They can complete these 50% faster.
- Sims have better starting relationships with family members.
- Sims write better children's books than others.
- This provides a bonus to Sims writing in the children's genre.
- They are more likely to succeed in the Daycare profession, same with the Nurturing trait.
- Sims who have this trait will generally look after their children.
- Family-oriented Sims may receive wishes to have many children.
- Family-Oriented Sims will disapprove of The Emperor Of Evil.
Player Notes
- Sims often wish to have children and grandchildren.
- Family-oriented Sims enjoy doing laundry.
- Family-oriented Sims train and teach toddler skills faster than other Sims.
- Family-oriented Sims are better at tutoring children and teens, which will make their school performance increase faster.
- Most Babysitters will have this trait, and will react negatively to the "Joke About Children" interaction. Babysitters with this trait will generally look after toddlers and babies better than those without it.
- Family-oriented Sims are less likely to cheat on their spouses.
- If a birth has taken place somewhere in the neighborhood, Sims who are family-oriented will talk positively about the birth when the "Gossip" interaction is used.
- Family-oriented Sims will often wish to quit their jobs or take time off work if they have a newborn baby in the household; even if they are on the verge of promotion or even if they'll end up with financial problems when they quit. Giving the Sim the Workaholic trait will prevent this.
- Family-oriented Sims will only "Try for Baby" with Sims they are married to.
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The Sims 4
The Sims 3
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The Sims 4
- Good Sims don't generally consider performing mean interactions on other Sims.
- Good Sims will not have negative reactions to social interactions as often as other Sims.
- Good Sims will boo other Sims who work as an Emperor of Evil, the top level of the criminal career's Evil branch.
- Good Sims have an easier time befriending unicorns, as the relationship between the good Sim and the unicorn will increase faster.
- Good Sims are sympathetic, and will appear genuinely concerned if another Sim is experiencing misfortune, rather than laugh at them. They also will be sorry for a Sim who has caught their partner cheating in front of them.
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The Sims 4
Dislikes (Hates) Children
The Sims 3
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The Sims 4
- Sims with this trait will not enjoy being on lots with children.
- Sims that dislike children will react negatively to talking about children.
- Sims with this trait will often reject social interactions from children.
- Sims with this trait will get a negative moodlet from socializing with children, holding, or taking care of babies.
- Sims with this trait will autonomously use mean interactions on children.
- Sims with this trait will reject the silly face interaction unless the sim is best friends with the said sim.
- Male Sims that dislike children will be "bored" by their wives if they announce that they are pregnant.
- Female Sims who dislike children strangely still gain positive moodlets from being pregnant and giving birth.
- Male Sims who dislike children also still gain a positive moodlet from their wives giving birth.
- Sims who dislike children will autonomously chastise childish Sims for their behavior as a mean interaction.
- If a birth has taken place somewhere in the neighborhood, Sims who dislike children will talk negatively about the birth when the "Gossip" interaction is used.
- Sims who dislike children will still receive the "Negligent" moodlet from having children in their household taken away by a social worker despite their disdain for children.
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The Sims 3
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The Sims 4
- Mean spirited Sims receive a positive moodlet from being around their enemies. They also receive a very slight mood boost for each enemy they have.
- Mean spirited Sim won't autonomously compliment other Sims unless they have a trait like Schmoozer that allows them to.
- Mean spirited Sims will have a greater chance of winning fights.
- Mean spirited Sims will autonomously use negative social interactions more often than other Sims.
- Mean spirited Sims will occasionally angrily mumble to themselves much like Grumpy Sims if left idle, or even scream in anger for no apparent reason.
- Mean spirited Sims are able to troll on forums like evil, grumpy or inappropriate Sims. Then, they may wait for a response from the forum users. Not being responded to on a forum will earn the Sim a negative moodlet.
- Mean spirited Sims will cheer on the Emperor of Evil, unless they have the Good or Family-Oriented traits.
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The Sims 4
Commitment Issues
The Sims 3
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The Sims 4
- Sims need 90 lifetime relationship to propose marriage and 80 to get married.
- The Sim may want to change career paths if they feel cooped-up in their current vocation.
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