Forum Discussion

adamclark83's avatar
4 years ago

"Don't Mind Showing Me, I know My Way Around"

What has always fascinated me in this game is how when a Sim is moved into a new home, no matter how luxurious or large it is they know EXACTLY where everything is.

When we check out a new home, we have to look around and see what's in every room and how it's laid out. Is there a study? What's in the study? Is there a computer? Bookcase? How many living rooms with TVs are there?

Sims don't have that problem. It's almost like they're all watching as the home is built.
  • This was kind of a thing in Sims 2 and Sims 3. Sims used to react to new objects so when you furnished a house it kind of felt like they were going around checking things out, exploring the house.
  • Isharell's avatar
    New Spectator
    Yes, I remember them running over to look at a new lamp and either being happy or not liking it (Sims 2).
  • I remember having to get a mod to stop the What's This? reaction. ? But at least you had the option.
  • It's their house, of course they know where everything is. It's questionable when they go to someone else's house and they still know where everything is. :lol:
  • As someone who never moved into a pre-furnished home (vacation homes aside) I cannot really relate, I always knew exactly where in the new place I'd put my stuff beforehand. Now remembering what was in what carelessly labeled moving crate, that was another story :#
  • I keep them on the pavement building friendships before I let them go in and the first thing they do is go to the Fridge and they all seem to know where that is!
  • CAPTAIN_NXR7's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot
    That’s an interesting observation. I never really thought about it. As long as I know where everything is, the Sims will know through me.
    I do remember the Sims in TS3 reacting to a new environment a lot more though.
  • I always wanted to see sims go though the moving In process. Painting walls, moving boxes and furniture around, cleaning etc. I think it would add such a nice touch! Especially for role play since Im always moving.