6 years agoLegend
Dueling Awesomeness
I just learned that sims can duel for 5 different outcomes. My sims dueled in TS3 mainly for entertainment value, seeing all the effects. I will be having my sims duel a lot more in Realm of Magic...
"MasonGamer;c-17236464" wrote:
Aw, I just realized magic dueling, it has different animations, but it’s not like Sims will throw a variety of spells back and forth.
Like Fire, Frost, or Lightning, I was hoping magic fights sims would exhaust all the spells they know, not just clash their power together and see who’s stronger.
Like my sim would usually come at another spell caster with a lot of fire and light based magic. While the other may come at him with a lot of lightning and Dark based magic. Also they didn’t use the Season’s snow ball fight tactic, to move around while casting spells.
For me, I would have my characters have stand offs in the middle of a Town Square, the street or the woods, or in Alley ways.
someone would have to throw the first punch and conjure the first spell, usually the villain or the antagonist does Sometimes it's the protagonist, my simself is very liberal with his powers now. If it's my simself he's going to conjure a fireball in his hand and throw it at his target. Usually cast a protection spell or disappear in a puff of smoke.
From tumbling out of the way and unleashing their next attack, To using the disappearing spell to dodge an attack. until we get to the climax of the fight. And my fights are more like battles in war. They can last hours, if not days. Like I'll have one character on the run while the other is on roof tops flinging lighting and other spells at the other... I wish Sims could cast spells at each other From different floor heights.
I really hope Someone makes a mod for renaming Spells, I can't with Zip Zap and chillio and all these ridiculous names.
My sim is a sorcerer with dignity, Grace and Class and can't cast a spell called zipzap in heated battles.
Custom spells, Like I'd like my spell caster to use another version of Mist form. like it could be the same animation as the teleportation spell, but I want to see a plume of smoke appear vs a quick ping of light and minimal smoke. and maybe add custom colors to mist form.
But I can't wait for a mod that allows me to Cast a fire ball at sims directly... what I don't get is why the devs thought the fireball had to kill the target. when it could just blast them back a couple of feet and knock the other sim out. casting fire at a sim doesn't necessarily have to kill them.