8 years ago
Guys, these are about to get you dreaming. Check out these map-views of imaginary TS4 worlds and what they might look like, made by filipesims from deviant art. https://img00.deviantart.net/84cb/i/...
"Karon;c-16646749" wrote:"Cinebar;c-16646560" wrote:"Zidien;c-16635558" wrote:
Sunset Valley is so amazing!!! ;) If developers don´t want to make open world, why they not add maps with many lots?
I think the lots (four or five per little district) has something to do with rendering, and performance. It's not that they can't but wanting to keep performance intact. But in WB (on island) there are five lots and they are spread out in a way that it feels very open. Sims can run a long way to get to a different house, and that's one reason I like it best, since it feels more open to me in that way. I would love some of these maps in TS4, that would be amazing.
ETA: I would love to see a map of Twinbrooks for TS4, that was my fav in TS3 since I didn't get Island Paradise for that game.
Oooh, i also love Twinbroooook. Its so gloomy and wet, and all the sism from this town are just as quirky as the sims from Sims 2.